drum comparison.. pictures included...

Jun 2, 2005
allright.. so i have tested some stuff with the waves PAZ analyzer without really knowing what it does really... :blush:

I wanted to test my snare and kick and wanted to compete and compare them with a professional recorded kick and snare.. so i imported a portion of a MP3 file of a black dahlia murder song, just one kick hit, and one snare hit.. that's it...

See the results of the black dahlia murder kick and snare here:


Looks pretty wide to me.. for just a kick and a snare...

Now have a look at mine:


Can you guys see the difference here? is this bad, am i missing something? are my kick and snare lacking something that's important?

I used Andy's sample through aptrigga, with the DFHS sonor snare.. added some compression to the snare, some verb, and that's it.. offcourse, i had L2, C4, and R comp on the master track.. since the black dahlia snare and kick are mastered as well.. so i had my mastering tools on as well.. to get even.. but the results seem pretty weird to me...

Anyone? does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance!
if you took the samples straight from the BDM cd, then not only where you hearing the snare and kick tracks, but also the sound of those instruments bleeding into the overheads, which are usually panned pretty hard. im not sure if this is the case or not, but if you just solo'd the kick and snare and analysed those without using the kick and snare in the overhead as well, you'd probably have a much narrower stereo image. just a thought.
Haha.. hey thanks Kelch! yup.. pretty much a bit too fast eh? :tickled:

Thanks everyone.. you guys make some excellent points there.. question is though.. should i be worried about the kick and snare being too thin too really make a good, thick backup?

Youowemeapony... good point.. allthough DFHS should simulate the same situation, dont you think? i had both kick and snare bleeding into the OH and AMB mic's...

I will dig up some more kick and snare samples of bands you all know.. like pantera's famous "5 minutes alone" and nile..
Black neon bob said:
Haha.. hey thanks Kelch! yup.. pretty much a bit too fast eh? :tickled:

Thanks everyone.. you guys make some excellent points there.. question is though.. should i be worried about the kick and snare being too thin too really make a good, thick backup?
Err, no, you should be worried only if you don't like what you're hearing, simple as that.
Gotcha Burny ;) just wondering if these professional producers have something extra on their drum tracks that we might not know of.. i think James Murphy released a plugin we might not know about yet! :tickled:

Beech... thanks!

My setup? quite simple actually.. a gibson explorer loaded with EMG's into a POD XT.. straight in it, and then straight into a audiophile 24/96.. then into nuendo, two tracks, hard panned left and right, with the following plugins: the C4 plugin Andy gave us here.. very usefull.. and on one track contains slight BBE sonic maximizer.. that's it..
oh and black neon bob...

i'm sure you know the band Autumn (the dutch goth sensation hahaha..) i'm in a band with jens the guitarplayer and i recommended you to them to do the mix on there pre production (and maybe the real product..) since the sound you get on for example the otherside would probably suit them well...
jens allready checked out your sounds and was quit enthuosiastic so who knows!!!
Yeah Beech.. all POD XT.. used Shane's (kazrog) patch..


Really? wow! that would be pretty cool to do a pre-production on their stuff.. the lead singer is actually friends with my brothers girlfriends sister! (haha)

Cool man.. would be quite a learning process all over again.. i like that.. but i am up for it..

I am doing a project right now.. with the singer of the dutch trash band "deadhead"..! you might know them as well, dontcha?

Also, your song "nummer 5" :tickled: sounds really good.. reminded me of pestilence somehow.. might i ask what the real title is? so i can input that into my media player.. i listen to it daily... would love to know the name and more...


Nuendo is amazing! i have tried only cubase and pro edit before nuendo, but i am sticking with it for now, it's got it all.. if you know cubase, chances are you will navigate through nuendo with ease..

If you have questions about it, shoot me an PM and i will try and help...

about the drums and their differences..

I gotta go to work right now, but i think i discovered something about it.. might be something very simple.. don't know yet.. but here's the dealio:

I was grabbing myself a sample of Pantera's "good friend and a bottle of pills".. the snare to be exact...
As i was listening to it, i loved how wide it sounded.. nice verb on it as well.. so i cut it, put a reverb tail on it, and exported it as a WAV file so i could get for aptrigga...

As i imported it into aptrigga.. i noticed it sounded... ehm.. mono!
still having the original pantera snare in the project file, i compared them, and the original sounded very stereo, wider, and much better as well... but according to my logic.. (which is off every now and then though :tickled: ) it should be the exact same sample i imported into the DFHS snare track.. right?

Maybe the DFHS snare track is mono? i tried exporting the pantera snare with a stereo split.. one on the DFHS snare top, and one on the bottom... sounded like crap though.. just not full enough..

What am i missing here guys? teach me!

Will be off now, but i will try and post some samples of it difference tonight.. so you can have a listen as well...

Black neon bob said:
Yeah Beech.. all POD XT.. used Shane's (kazrog) patch..


Really? wow! that would be pretty cool to do a pre-production on their stuff.. the lead singer is actually friends with my brothers girlfriends sister! (haha)

Cool man.. would be quite a learning process all over again.. i like that.. but i am up for it..

I am doing a project right now.. with the singer of the dutch trash band "deadhead"..! you might know them as well, dontcha?

Also, your song "nummer 5" :tickled: sounds really good.. reminded me of pestilence somehow.. might i ask what the real title is? so i can input that into my media player.. i listen to it daily... would love to know the name and more...

yeah, i gave him the link so its up to him now you know... mats is the singer in this band and he's in autumn too.. so if i pushed him too...:grin:
i bet it would realy benefit too there sound!!

and i can't realy remember nummer 5 realy but does it end with some way to fast blasts? with the same riff with which it opend? then its called "New Lice & Larvea":rock:
we played it live yesterday.... and it sucked:blush: hehehe.... and my tuner didn't work so when i finally go myself a tuner i allready played two songs with the B string in A....... MY GOD.....:p

And offcourse i know deadhead... is it a project with the current singer/bassplayer?or the monolith death cult singer/guitarplayer? (he was a deadhead frontman for a while too...)
saw them live a while ago.. their speedpicking was sick!! allthough the snare sounded like a big piece of wood being pummeld on...:worship:

Haha.. cool...

nummer 5 is the one that has massive delay parts in the guitars.. it opens softly.. someone speeching.. voice left and right.. then the drums come in.. i KICKASS riff starts complimenting those drums.. then the singer comes in (sounds very good, b.t.w.) and starts singing about how six of his planets are alive.. haha (that's my interpretation of it though)..

The deadhead singer is Tom van Dijk.. he used to be in deadhead back in the days as well.. and now he is back... check out their new album "haatland" .. it's too cool for school! :worship:
hahaha.. well whadda you know its called "Six Planets"!!! :OMG:
yeah, its a fun song to play...were did you get the song btw? i can't remember posting it here hehehe...

anyway, we got some new songs right know and we just got our cd out yesterday, so if you'll add me on msn or someting i could send you some stuff... see what you think!!:rock:

i'll check haatland btw!! wasn't it produced by the same guy who did Aborted's goremaggedon?

Yeah, i will add you to msn.. what should i enter as name or email adress?

Got your CD out yesterday?!? wow.. got to check that out...!

And yes, Jacob Hansen did aborted as well.. good stuff!