Drum mic's

Think of 2 additional condensers as room or ambience mics. Position in a triangle (2/3m one side) to the drummers seat. If I see this room, I think it will improove the drumsond in a amazing way.
Think of it
Frank'nfurter said:
Think of 2 additional condensers as room or ambience mics. Position in a triangle (2/3m one side) to the drummers seat. If I see this room, I think it will improove the drumsond in a amazing way.
Think of it

That pic was taken just as I was putting up the room mics!! The room sounds amazing, the drums are at the dampened end and the room mics are in the live end, it gives a great ambience to the whole kit.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Stupid question... (but well...) you're aware that the MD421 is not side-address right ? Because on the pic, probably because of the angle, they seem weird...

Stupidly enough i did the same mistake first time i worked with MD421's :blush: cos imo i thought its more logical that they would be side address, but oh well.

Razorjack, what mics are you using on the rototoms as ive never had much luck in micing up roto's
DanAbela said:
Stupidly enough i did the same mistake first time i worked with MD421's :blush: cos imo i thought its more logical that they would be side address, but oh well.

Razorjack, what mics are you using on the rototoms as ive never had much luck in micing up roto's

I'm using 57's, they sound good but overall but the drummer has decided to just drop the roto's altogether (too much difference between them and the other toms).
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Stupid question... (but well...) you're aware that the MD421 is not side-address right ? Because on the pic, probably because of the angle, they seem weird...

Also, that pic was before I adjusted the mic positions (when I realinsed about the non-side address!!).

The drums sound awesome :rock:, the KM84's are surpassing my expectations as (close) o/h mics and overall I have nailed the sound I wanted (the kick needs re-enforcing on the heavier tracks but overall it sounds great). I've got an un-mixed mp3 clip of one of the tracks we recorded today but until the bands site manager gets it uploaded I can't post it.

Here are couple of pics from todays session, the first one is of the guitarist (on the left) and keyboard player (middle) who are in the studio for the guide tracks and the second pic is the obligatory up mixer/keyboard shot.



I'll keep the (short) updates coming for those who are interested

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hahaha, my bad, I meant Genelec 1030a (should wait to get fully awake before posting, lol).

It is a Control 24 and those are Genelec 1030a's.


We finished all 12 drum tracks and all the kit samples today (that's 3 days of recording, 1 day of set-up), 8 of which were single takes!! (it shows that the band have been together for 6yrs) We spent half of today trying to get the intro and outro to one song done, then realised it's very similar to the intro from 'Enemy Within' played at 8/8 140bpm, we kept it though 'cos it sounds awesome. :rock:

The D6 is working really well on the kick, but I have been unable to pull an amazing 'click' out of either of the kick drums we have had at our disposal (a Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage and an old Premier that just sounds perfect). A little EQ hits the spot though, we'll just see how it goes when all the tracks go off to be mixed.

The bass player is coming in to the studio tommorow to lay down a few tracks and then we finish off the bass tracks next week with my portable rig. I'll get some more pics up when I've charged my camera battery and I'll try and get a link to that (very) rough mp3 tonight.
Razorjack said:
It is a Control 24 and those are Genelec 1030a's.


We finished all 12 drum tracks and all the kit samples today (that's 3 days of recording, 1 day of set-up), 8 of which were single takes!! (it shows that the band have been together for 6yrs) We spent half of today trying to get the intro and outro to one song done, then realised it's very similar to the intro from 'Enemy Within' played at 8/8 140bpm, we kept it though 'cos it sounds awesome. :rock:

The D6 is working really well on the kick, but I have been unable to pull an amazing 'click' out of either of the kick drums we have had at our disposal (a Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage and an old Premier that just sounds perfect). A little EQ hits the spot though, we'll just see how it goes when all the tracks go off to be mixed.

The bass player is coming in to the studio tommorow to lay down a few tracks and then we finish off the bass tracks next week with my portable rig. I'll get some more pics up when I've charged my camera battery and I'll try and get a link to that (very) rough mp3 tonight.

Good luck Razor back Make us proud!
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Yes, keep them coming please :) Is that a Digidesign Control 24 and Mackie's HR824 that I see ?

To RayneEvil : haha, don't be mad, just for fun ;)

I'm not really mad...I'd just rather post my own pictures with my face in them as not to ruin the photography!