Drum criticism, im new hereeeee...


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2006
Soo....im pretty new in the band recording thing ive been doin it for like 2 years since i was at college doing the A Level, and me and my band are recording a demo, we went to a studio and had pretty bad results, so we decided we wanted to do it ourselves...
Me and my friend John have got a pretty budget set up and i just wanted to know what you guys thought of the drum sound?We haven't recorded the guitar bass or vox yet.
I'm pretty proud of it considering the highest priced mic was about £130 haha
The set up was as follows (Ok, Consider it a REALLY budget set up)
Alesis Multimix Firewire 16 channel into Cubase SX 2.2.. (Cant afford to upgrade :mad: )
The mic's were as follows...

Overheads - Superlux ECO-H6A, in the center, Two overheads far left and far right of the kit from the Thomann DC1500 Mic Kit

Snare - Good old SM57

Toms - Thomann Tbone DC1500 clip on tom mics (Quite good for cheap mic's i thought)

Kick - Trusty AKG D112

Hi hat - SM58 with the ball end off (Just as a backup if the hi hat wasnt quite loud enough)


So tell me what you think,
I reckon the snare needs brightening up a tad, but definitely only a tad.
Thanks for the responses in advance :rock:
i guess the kick and snare and toms sound okay, but i dont dig the sound of the cymbals, i cant describe it, i guess they dont have a lot of depth, your right about the snare