drum must have compressor plugin??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
running protools 6.7le and just wondering what plugin you all prefer on drums for compression??

maybe some cant live without plugins for drums??

also good plugin compressor for vox? I'm using rcomp by waves which works well but want more options :headbang:
I compress the toms and snare with C1 and the whole drumset with C4 and use either a plugin called Ambience or a plugin called Chamberverb for reverb. For some reason I haven't found a Waves verb I like that much for everyday use, though for really saturated reverb effects they're killer.

For vocals the C1 is killer mang. There's a lot of compressors that work awesome on vocals moreso than any other sound source

BTW, you know any good drum reverbs?
RootBoundApollo said:
yeah channelstrip is supposed to be brilliant but in all honesty I'd rather eat this month
Sell that ultra-tech blow-dryer in your sig ...that'll get you the channelstrip plus enough pasta to get you through Mid-November :lol:
I'm wondering if it's the nail gun in american psycho... i never saw the whole movie... but there is a quote on a Behind the Sun song from AP where he talks about a nailgun...
i use waves c1 on almost everything
if i dont like a linear sound, i go with waves ssl comp

if im feeling weird about the attack/release/ratio/gain makeup, i reach for my echannel which will do it for me (this is rare that i need to ever do this tho, know your compressor, and know it well).

if you compress kick, i recommend being light about it
if you compress snare, i recommend compressing the top and bottom together, not each seperately

i never compress the whole kit, i compress drums, and then leave the overheads alone in a seperate group. sometimes i will limit the overheads (OH AMBIENCE setting in SSL comp).

for giant sounding toms, compress the shit out of them and still send them to the drum compression group (which doesnt include overheads)
OK couple questions.....

can i get metric halo on PC??

also with me running 6.7 protools le can i get the ssl plugs??

as far as i know i thought i could not run these but i may be wrong???

And joey you mentioned limiter on the overheads l2 maybe or something diff and whats your approach on them???
joeymusicguy said:
i use waves c1 on almost everything
if i dont like a linear sound, i go with waves ssl comp

if im feeling weird about the attack/release/ratio/gain makeup, i reach for my echannel which will do it for me (this is rare that i need to ever do this tho, know your compressor, and know it well).

if you compress kick, i recommend being light about it
if you compress snare, i recommend compressing the top and bottom together, not each seperately

i never compress the whole kit, i compress drums, and then leave the overheads alone in a seperate group. sometimes i will limit the overheads (OH AMBIENCE setting in SSL comp).

for giant sounding toms, compress the shit out of them and still send them to the drum compression group (which doesnt include overheads)

broken81 said:
OK couple questions.....

can i get metric halo on PC??

also with me running 6.7 protools le can i get the ssl plugs??

as far as i know i thought i could not run these but i may be wrong???

And joey you mentioned limiter on the overheads l2 maybe or something diff and whats your approach on them???

when i say limit, i meant, using a compressor to almost limit. but not using a limiter. like, setting the threshold to like -30 and you ratio to like 30:1 and your attack to like .1 and your release to like 500ms.

the ssl comp has a setting to do this (its great for getting rid of a snare drum in an overhead track, if you're replacing the snare drum sound with drumagog and the old snare doesnt mix with the new).

metric halo is mac only

ssl is cross platform and comes in native and tdm
Sweet advise joey

more questions though....

Toms do you compress each separate or bus those to 1 buss?

"for giant sounding toms, compress the shit out of them"....What setting are basic on those toms?? and on buss??

What you usually use on master drum buss settings wise??

do you add verb on like tom buss?? also were does like verb play in before or after compressor??

Just writing all these kinds of things down I'm losing INTERNET for awhile and trying to get as much info down as possible so i have stuff to try out!!

Thanks again guys........

any other tips or stuff to try please throw that at me too if you want!!!