Drum processing challenge

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Would any of you here be interested in a drum processing challenge? Inspired by the reamping tone challenge, I can post up a segment of drums with each part separate and everyone has to process to their liking and post it, see who works best and maybe get some tips?

I have a segment around 40 secs long which involves a fairly complex drum solo, and theres a LOT of different samples, Overhead samples for each drum, top and bottom snares, each crash is separate, hihats are separate, Kick is sampled (sorry ;p) + an overhead track. No bleed as this is all programmed but they're all direct from my kit.

Due to so many tracks the file is 80MB >< But includes a couple guitar and couple bass tracks, so you can post your drums without and within a mix.

If interested I'll upload this sometime tomorrow. I think it'd be interesting to get away from those DHFS tones for a bit and see what people can do with stuff they're not used to.
RAR the folder with Force Audio Compression enabled in the advanced compression options. Should be a way smaller download.

[edit]the audio compression doesn't always make a big difference.
13 wav files totaling 467MB
Zip = 280MB
RAR = 208MB
Rar w/forced audio compression = 206MB

Still better to do RAR than ZIP.
Here's my go at it. I put my kick in there, and it sounds terrible, so see what you can do. I'm sample replacing it in my EP cos I just can't get it sounding good. The rest of the drums are alright but a little small.


Uploading the RAR now, its only 47MB and 70% done.

EDIT: http://rapidshare.com/files/146727639/Drum_Challenge.rar.html
Theres the link. Bass is done sloppily by me (on my 3rd time playing bass EVER), its just something to fill up the lowend.

If possible, post without and with the guitar/bass, one after the other (like I did above).
Thanks a lot :)

Too be honoust with you, I only changed the kick sample, which is a kick from the latest DevilDriver album. The rest is all from the original samples, just plain EQ and Compression. (Well , don't forget to mention Parallel Compression and a plate verb too brighten things up)
ShallowEulogy, whts ur eq plugins and settings for the 3 toms, man? i like the sound.

care to share the kick sample as well?

thanx man