Drum programming?


Rotten undead buccaneer
Well, there seems to be at least some people here who make their own music... does anyone of you use midi to program drums? I've been toying around with it a little, using the Drumkit from Hell samples with Cakewalk Sonar 2. The sound is pretty ok actually, but what annoys me is the time it consumes... Now, I've been thinking of investing in a midi-keyboard, 'cause right now I do all the midi-editing by mouse and I hear a keyboard makes it helluva lot easier... just how much easier is it to program midi drums using a midi keyboard than using the regular mouse? Can it save a lot of time or so?

Please let me know if you have any experience in the area.

I use Fruity as well.
Fruityloops is probably the best, easiest, quickest & most versatile sequencer right now - & you can even open it as a VSTi within another program like CUBASE, which is cool for syching it with audio tracks. Trust me man, Just import your drumkit from hell samples into FRUITY STUDIO & open it inside CUBASE as a VSTi & you'll have a full song done in no time.
Hey, Fruity Loops users, I've started to use it a bit myself, bút some details bug the shit out of me:

1. How do I change quantisation? Is 16thnotes the only available?

2. How do I change tempo, not for the whole song, but for a certain passage

3. How do I change time signature (the number of notes per bar), not for the whole song, but for a certain passage

Please help!
1) i dont know right now.

2) that is unfortunately in FL impossible

3) it is possible BUT not for some parts. only for the whole song. It is soft designed for technophils and they dont need functions like that. They have just one tempo and ..... you know. Their music is crappy shit.
L0bster said:
Hey, Fruity Loops users, I've started to use it a bit myself, bút some details bug the shit out of me:

1. How do I change quantisation? Is 16thnotes the only available?

2. How do I change tempo, not for the whole song, but for a certain passage

3. How do I change time signature (the number of notes per bar), not for the whole song, but for a certain passage

Please help!
1,3. Go up to options and change the song settings (bar length, beat length). If you have passages in your song with different tempos or time signatures, you will have to make them as separate fruity loops files. Note that if you use 32nd notes or whatever, you will need to increase the tempo to make it sound correct.

2. You will have to make a separate fruity loops file for this passage with a different time sig.

When you are ready to make your whole song, you will have to copy and paste each wav together in your wav editing program (I have Cool Edit pro 2.0)

Yes, this takes time.
There are 2 ways to change tempo in FL:

1)programming by rec button

2)it's very easy: click right button on tempo index and get "edit event". Than you see window, where you can paint tempo curve of whole song.