Why thank you

, though the credit goes to Andy
I'm no Andy Sneap or James Murpy or have any studio recording experience for that matter, but it is a gut feeling of mine that one can achieve good drum sounds without samples... just a gut feeling, nothing more and I could [and must probably be] be horribly wrong.
I can understand Andy blending the 'tickety' sound of the trigger to a Kick drum to give it that appreciated smidgen of 'clicky' goodness. But to say, "Hey Gentlemen, I happen to have a DVD of these awesome drum samples, (which are individual drum hits
without blended samples) so lets blend them with my already awesome sounding miced kit" I just cannot comprehend.
I'm not challenging anyone. I'm here to learn. I just believe that one can achieve sweetened drum sounds via a thorough EQ approach.
That is all my good Sirs.