Drum sample processing

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Do you process your samples before drumagoging them?

So in some scenarios you sample the kit you are recording with the intention of replacing the performed hits with the sampled ones. Do you process these samples before you use them to replace the performed hits? Or do you just pop in the sampled hits au natural and then compress/eq etc later?
Waaaay better to just have the raw sound being sampled, if you are sampling the drummers drum set. That way you can EQ and compress them as if they were the tracked hits, and you dont get stuck with unchangeable settings, or having to go back and tweak the files and create a new gog file. It just has a more natural feeling when you do it that way, and tends to sit better in the mix IMO... unless you can do everything perfect first try.