Drum samples!


Feb 15, 2007
Tampere, Finland
OK, time for me to share something with you.

The first batch is from our (Masterstroke) last album session.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/MS08/BD IN_16-25.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/MS08/SN TOP_16-25.wav

Recorded at Fantom Studio and credit for the sounds go to Samu Oittinen, who tuned and set up the kit, put up the mics and tweaked the board eq (SSL AWS900) and whatnot.

Drum set was a DW 22"/10"+12"+14" plus 16" PDP floor tom with either Remo Emperors or Powerstroke 3's (I forget.. could have been a mix). A Shure BETA52 on the kick inside, Shure 57s and Audix D4s on toms.

Snare was a Ludwig Supraphonic from the 60s with Remo CS. 57 on top and slammed with a Distressor.

Sorry, no multisamples, just lifted these for what we needed them for (ie. to support the original tracks).

Hope you like 'em!
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AAaannd here's some more.

This time from a session with Ruinside.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/RUINSIDE/BD RN_02.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/RUINSIDE/SN RN_02.wav

This time recorded by me. I used our TOFT24 desk EQs on the way in and .. er.. probably did some internal processing in PT.

The set was a very expensive Premier kit, 24" kick and 13", 16" & 18" toms.
It helped enormously that the drummer is good and can tune the set.
Kick mic was a Sennheiser e902 inside and a Beta52 on the hole. The sample is a mix of both mics. Toms were Audix D2 and D4s.
Snare was a Yamaha (Maple Custom Absolute?) with BeyerDynamic M201 on top and Audix i5 on the bottom (if I remember correctly), mixed together on the sample.

OK, lemme know what you think!
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Cool, thanks for these. Newb question -- how do I use these with a sampler? I've got Reason and Cubase.
AAaannd here's some more.

This time from a session with Ruinside.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/RUINSIDE/BD RN_02.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1765814/samples/RUINSIDE/SN RN_02.wav

This time recorded by me. I used our TOFT24 desk EQs on the way in and .. er.. probably did some internal processing in PT.

The set was a very expensive Premier kit, 24" kick and 13", 16" & 18" toms.
It helped enormously that the drummer is good and can tune the set.
Kick mic was a Sennheiser e902 inside and a Beta52 on the hole. The sample is a mix of both mics. Toms were Audix D2 and D4s.
Snare was a Yamaha (Maple Custom Absolute?) with BeyerDynamic M201 on top and Audix i5 on the bottom (if I remember correctly), mixed together on the sample.

OK, lemme know what you think!

Those sound absofuckinglutely amazing. You don't have multisamples for them? :(
Indeed, very nice. Thank you very much... is there anyway to make this multisamples ? like... simulate multi samples using just this ones ?
It's a D4 on the floor toms.. ;)

I guess you could copy them to make a few different samples and make each copy say -6dB from the last (ie. 0dB, -6dB, -12dB, -18dB or something..). And maybe slightly EQ them so that they get softer.

Lasse seemed to make a set, haven't listened to them. Did you do them this way?