Drum sampling question for Andy and/or anyone else...

Yeah, are you looking to sequence or trigger the samples? I use Battery as my sampler... it does the job fairly well. If you're looking at actual triggering, you'd probably want to look in the direction of drumagog, aptrigga etc.
Not quite sure which is better...any suggestions on which is better: triggering then sampling or taking the original wav and replacing it with the sample? Also, if you trigger a kick, do you record it direct with something like a countryman or do you need something like alesis' drum mod? And would you then replace the wav data with the sample?
Thanks...but would i need some kind of hardware of sampler to generate the kick sound? Would i need like an alesis piece of hardware or would something like aptrigga let me record with that?
I´m planning on buying triggers. The ddrum pro series seem to be the ones. So i´ll just plug an xlr cable to the trigger and the other end to a balanced input on my soundcard and that´s it? do i get a signal i can record for replacing later ?
I'm not one for replacing every drum sound b/c that doesnt show any of the engineer's skill, but there are times where you're pressed for time and need to get the drums to cut in the mix. To anyone who has used sound replacing softwares, what do you recommend? I've researched apTrigga2, Drum Kit From Hell Superior and Drumagog but want to get everyone's opinion on these plugins. Also, do these programs have samples already in the programs that you can bring up or do you need an outside piece of hardware to generate the sample?
Correct me if I'm wrong but apTrigga and Drumagog are triggering softwares, which means that they replace the audio of your drummer with your samples, while Drumkit From Hell are just samples, you'll need to program each note with it.
I believe Brett is on the ball there. With DKFHS you get the samples and a sampler (Kompakt) and you need to sequence the hits yourself. Although that's not to discount the possibility of somebody buying DKFHS for the samples and using aptrigga or drumagog to replace a real drummer's hits with them.
In my experience the sound replacer software is superior to using midi or sequencing. Tweaking the responses to the sounds in aptrigga is a snap (just turn a knob) where as changing volumes and decays in midi requires a couple steps: highlight, type in percentage change, etc. Not to mention that it's a hell of a lot easier to restore old settings and you don't mess much with the original track.