drum set exclusively for unplugged gig



Hi everyone,

I'm planning to do an unplugged gig with my band. We're a trio (guitar-lead vox, bass-back vox, drums). In most unplugged gigs I don't like that bands only change the guitar and bass to acoustic, and they use the same drum kit as they would on a standard gig. I preferred if the drummer played in a different style to make it more "unplugged-ish", but just for the fun of it, I also thought about him using different drums, like congas, maracas, etc.

If any of you tried something similar to this, I would be grateful if you could share your experience and what drums did you use. If you know of any bands that did similar and you could share videos about it, that would be really good as well.

Thanks in advance
I've done it before with my old pop punk band; we changed the kick out for a huge but shallow kick that had a lot of resonance, tuned the snare a bit lower than usual, no rack tom, and used the same cymbals minus one crash. Drummer played with rutes instead of normal sticks, turned out really well!

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^^^ What he said. Just change it up a bit. Maybe a felt beater and coated head on the kick, try no damping. Try playing with hot rods or brushes instead for a different feel. Use fewer drums, and play sexy like!