Drum sound


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

Time for a new mix now. I received some tracks to work on and the drums sound pretty good. I just spent an hour on them but it's a good starting point imo.

Kick is 100% replaced - Snare 70% replaced - Toms are 100% natural. There's only EQ, comp and VCC + T.racks clipper on the master buss for loudness.

I'm looking for a natural sound. I'd like some feedback - especially about the low end.



Edit - oh and some reverb but you noticed that ;)
needs more cowbell

Seriously though, they sound 'OK' for what they are, but the million dollar question is how do they sound in a mix? There's not one be-all-end-all drum sound that fits perfect in every mix. Post a song using it in a mix and then tweak them from there.
Not bad. But it is very hard to judge drums via a solo drums track. Although it doesn't sound that natural I've noticed that a lot of drum tracks from rock band moggs and guitar hero moggs also do not sound natural but sound great when in a mix.
the million dollar question is how do they sound in a mix?

Sure, but I'm just at the very beginning so no guitars/bass yet. Some guys have already posted here drum tracks alone (thinking of Ermz and 2 others right now) and wanted to know how they sound by themselves to you - just as many do with guitar tones.

I'll post more clips when the guitars and bass will be reamped and processed. Thanks!