Drum Trigger Programs. Guitar Eq'ing


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2011
Hey dudes, First post but I have been using this forum for tips and hints on how to start out for quite some time, and everyone on here has been a massive help. Thankyou so much for even the small things that most of you would consider to be 'newbie' questions, there are more than enough sufficient answers here that have helped me get a real sense of what to listen for when I mix.

Does everyone now days use Kontact? or Drumagog? SD2.0? Having some trouble with Velocities, trying to see what people use and/or opinions on the programs. Been doing plenty of research on all of them, they each seem very good, just want some opinons from what people use.

Also struggling to get clarity on guitars and bass through my mix. This maybe to do with the original takes of the song, (crap goes in, crap comes out theory) but even for demo style tracks they get a bit fuzzed, mid ranged, lost in amongst the mix.

I guess i posted it here in joey's forums, as I use his drum samples (great value for $ btw) and also some Truth samples purchased from their website. PODFarm2 is a massive winner for me also. Am i asking for a quick fix cheap way to get JOEY'S SOUND OMG BOOMS THAT GO FOR AGGGGGEEEESSSSSS BREAKDOWN!.... No. I'm not really after Joeys signature sound, that's his sound that he has worked long and hard to master. Im just always looking for ways to improve my knowledge and skills to get a nice tidy heavy mix.

Cheers again for all the help so far. Australian BBQ's and Brews for everyone.
For drum triggering I use Slate Trigger Platinum. Love that plugin.

I've been having trouble with getting guitar clarity myself recently. I feel like I'm getting full spectrum white noise from guitars and very little of the actual note.

My thoughts are that it's mainly down to the guitar player, plectrum/string thickness etc. As I've not had this trouble recording my own stuff, and I use heavy strings and picks with a heavy pick action.
Don't think it's a guitar>amp thing as I've used the same setup on other recordings and it's been ok. I have been using more gain lately but that's down to the fact that in the past I've been really bad for under gaining my guitars. I'm tempted to blame sloppy guitar players not digging in properly and thin plectrums (0.46 for metal? really? :lol:)
Don't think it's a guitar>amp thing as I've used the same setup on other recordings and it's been ok. I have been using more gain lately but that's down to the fact that in the past I've been really bad for under gaining my guitars. I'm tempted to blame sloppy guitar players not digging in properly and thin plectrums (0.46 for metal? really? :lol:)

.46 for metal.
hybrid slimcore :heh:

You know it man.