drum triggers

Feb 17, 2007
So I'm thinking about getting a set of DDrum acoustic drum triggers.
Now I'll need a converter won't I? I think they get called trigger brains don't they? As you may have gathered I don't know much about it, so I was wondering if somebody could recommend a trigger converter which I can connect to my audio interface or direct to the computer via USB. I have an M-AUDIO FireWire 410 (lol two XLR inputs), there are MIDI input and output on the back of the audio interface if that helps.

I'm looking for a cheap but reliable trigger converter/brain whatever you call it.

Up until now I've been using DFH superior for drums. I don't have the money to buy a new audio interface with 8 XLR inputs and some decent microphones. So I thought that perhaps I could just use two overhead microphones for cymbols and trigger the rest of the kit so I wouldn't need more XLR inputs on my audio interface. Is this a good idea?

If you are wanting to purely record the trigger outputs and then use drumagog or aptrigga (or similar programs) with samples in your computer, you don't need a brain. For MIDI I think you may. I've never used a brain with triggers, I just record the trigger signal and sound replace with Drumagog or aptrigga, but even then I've only used triggers on one project.
^i would normally recommend doing the drumagog/aptrigga thing, but he said he only has 2 XLR inputs...so unless he's only going to trigger the kick and snare, i don't think it'd work - and even then, it would leave no inputs for the rest of the kit - so i'm assuming, at least
Nwright is correct - the brain is not 100% necessary, but it will facilitate the tracking process as you'll be able to hear actual drum sounds instead of "clicks and pops." The negative is that the brain may not be perfectly accurate where as the triggers' clicks and pops are.
^i would normally recommend doing the drumagog/aptrigga thing, but he said he only has 2 XLR inputs...so unless he's only going to trigger the kick and snare, i don't think it'd work - and even then, it would leave no inputs for the rest of the kit - so i'm assuming, at least

It also has 2 line inputs that you could use, but it's still only 4 total. I didn't think of the limitation on inputs when I posted. :goggly:
D'oh, I just saw that you only had two inputs. Ya, forget what I wrote up there.

BTW how much can you spend on this?

Ideally as little as possible, at the moment I have no money at all! I was browsing Thomann and found a set of ddrum triggers and thought "that is cheap." Worked out I would need a trigger brain, overall it is a cheaper option than buying a new audio interface and a load of microphones to record a whole drum kit.
But I would still have to buy a stereo pair of condensers for the overheads.

So I’m looking at the following
DDRUM DDTT TOM DRUM TRIGGER PRO £39.49 (extra tom trigger, I need four in total and the set gives me three)
RODE NT5matched pair £215.31

total £527.47
plus some cables and a stand
I guess it would be around £600... But I don't have that, so I'll have to wait.

thank you for everybodies help