Drum Tuning BIBLES??

Jan 9, 2008
Does anyone know of any really good books on Drum tuning because I am a guitarist myself and it seems some drummers do not know how to get a decent sound.( I am not trying to insult drummers )

Any help from Drummers would be great and people who have any recomendations would be appreciated.:)
There really is the "Drum Tuning Bible". Search it on google it's a PDF and very descriptive.
Not to sound Cliche'd but experiance is the best teacher. From my own personal experiance it's a bit more of a "feel" thing. there's alot more contributing factors that with a guitar string.
I downloaded a Steve Smith DVD called Drum Set Technique and he got real into tuning for obviou reasons. The guy clearly knows what he's doing. I don't play drums or even play with a drummer in a band at the moment but I watched a lot of it. It certainly shed some light on why some drummers sound great and how to tell right off if the dude has a clue.

As some famous warrior once said... 'Know your enemy'