Drumagog Multi


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
I am asking myself something and wondering if someone has a answer:

you can load drumagog on a track and load samples etc ni drumagog right ?

but if you got a whole drumkit. does it mean you have to load drumagog like 16 times on everytrack ? or is there a way you can use 1 drumagog and use it for a whole drumkit.
I'm pretty sure you have to have seperate instance per track - if you were to put it on a bus or whatever, it would have no idea how to distinguish what part of the kit was triggering it at any particular time.

As far as I know, busses can't see backwards - they don't know what tracks are being fed into them, they just sum the total input, process it, and then output it - so there's no way to seperate the tracks within the bus.

Any plugin that could take a bunch of tracks, work out the hits on them all, randomly pick the the right sample for that instrument, and trigger off them live, all at the same time, would be an impressive bit of coding and insanely processor intensive (just like running 16 instances of Drumagog) - it'd make DFH look like Notepad (or the Mac alternative, which I'm guessing is called something catchy and hip like 'iScribber' :p )

I used to do my drums in that method. It works decently if you have about 10 tracks and don't use Advanced triggering more than on one or two tracks of them.

Using 14 tracks each with Advanced triggering will crash Nuendo 3 if you change the tempo or if you do anything at all, for that matter :P
But why would you want to run drumagog in real-time anyway? I run it in real time temporarily to see whether it's not mis-triggering, and set all my dynamics up, then I process the track directly. It's not like it's EQ which you go back on later and decide to add 3k or something... you're changing the sound of the track entirely, you should be decisive enough to be able to do it with finality.
Don't know if it helps but I usually track the midi signal from drumagog and use it as a simple sampler (I can also use a dedicated sampler allowing multiple channels or an instrument such as dfh or bfd directly). It's almost like processing a track but I still can fine tune and quantize (without the hassle of advanced audio editing) the sounds I'm using without having to use many instances in "real time".
Suicide_As_Alibi said:
it'd make DFH look like Notepad (or the Mac alternative, which I'm guessing is called something catchy and hip like 'iScribber' :p )

Actually, it's called TextEdit.

Moonlapse said:
But why would you want to run drumagog in real-time anyway?
I sometimes do my drums with 14 instances of LM-7 and assigning Drumagog to each of them, as the stock LM-7 drum sounds suck badly and it doesn't support multilayering :P

I've been fiddling around with Battery 1.0 recently, which looks very promising. Drumkit from Hell S/2 is just too damn heavy for my liking, taking 500+ MB of physical memory alone, and include 200 MB of Windows and 100 MB of DAW to that, not to mention DX/VST plugins. The original DFH sounds a little dated.

I wish they would implement some form of memory saving method into Drumkit from Hell 3, there's no sense of loading *everything* into memory regardless if the track even uses the samples. It could inspect the track when loading and only load the samples that are actually used in the song.