Drumagog "printing a track"


Metal Commando.
Mar 31, 2004
The ruins of Los Angeles
I just got drumagog, love how you can change samples instantely!. But how do I "print" a track so I can get rid of the plug in and save CPU power?? do I have to bounce to disk them import it back into my session and line it up? Or is there a better way to do this. Any help is much appreacited. :p
depends on the software you're using i guess
i use cubase sx i use the export mixdown function then reimport it when it's done by clicking ok don't even have to line it up that way ...
if you using other software i can't help you there
heres the steps...

Set the output of your track with drumagog to a random bus that isn't being used in your current session. Say Bus 4.

Create a new Mono or Stereo audio track depending on which you used for the insert, and set the input of that track to Bus 4.

Copy the level of the drumagog track to the new audio track, and set the drumagog track to 0.0

record enable the new audio track, highlight the regions on the new audio track, and press F12 to start recording.
Seems like a pain in the ass.

In Sonar you just 'apply audio effects' to whatever is selected... then in processes it and deletes the plug-in for you (that's an option presented before it processes)

Or you can 'bounce to track' which will leave the original track and plug-in alone.

Surely there's simple things like this in Pro Tools and other 'pro' software? (never used anything but Cakewalk/Sonar here)
Ahh yeah... I see.

I'm still kinda surpised that you can't just process it like I described in Sonar.
But I guess ideally you’d have the power to just keep all plug-ins in there, and have no need to 'print' them? Is that the way in general.. or does everything get solidified before a final mix?
Andy Sneap said:
bussing a track out is pretty simple in my book, + you get to hear it as you print it so you can stop and adjust for fills etc

I have never thought about it this before. What kind of adjustments do you guys make for rolls and fills?

On the subject, I find it easiest to just export the track as audio if you are already happy with the velocities.
put it this way, have you ever got drumagog to trigger correctly all the way through a track without making adjustments for certain parts?, I'd be very surprised if you had, and any other drum plug in for that matter. You normally have to go back and get flams and fast low snare rolls, that sort of thing, so just bussing to another track and listening as it goes past is by far the easiest and most accurate way to do it. You're going to have to listen through to check it anyway so you may as well have it so you can adjust any problem there and then. Unless you are righting settings with automation, then I guess you could bounce to disc etc.
Good point. I have only just started using drumagog and I made a post earlier about how some of the hits seem to need adjusting to keep up. I got confused and thought you were talking about adjusting the actual drum track in certain parts to make it stand out more during fills etc...
So Andy, if I get this right, you adjust Drumagog for regular use (rhythm parts), save your preset, record realtime on another track while listening to it, and when some fills need adjustments you stop the recording, adjust, record the troublesome part, then go back to the previous Drumagog preset, record until the next trouble some part, etc. etc... And then, you consolidate the final resulting track. Is this correct ?
Youowemeapony said:
heres the steps...

Set the output of your track with drumagog to a random bus that isn't being used in your current session. Say Bus 4.

Create a new Mono or Stereo audio track depending on which you used for the insert, and set the input of that track to Bus 4.

Copy the level of the drumagog track to the new audio track, and set the drumagog track to 0.0

record enable the new audio track, highlight the regions on the new audio track, and press F12 to start recording.
Hey thanks YOMMP!!
Cool! so its just like when I record the samples from my xtreme fx plug in.
thanks for you help man!:rock:

Andy Sneap said:
put it this way, have you ever got drumagog to trigger correctly all the way through a track without making adjustments for certain parts?, I'd be very surprised if you had, and any other drum plug in for that matter. You normally have to go back and get flams and fast low snare rolls, that sort of thing, so just bussing to another track and listening as it goes past is by far the easiest and most accurate way to do it. You're going to have to listen through to check it anyway so you may as well have it so you can adjust any problem there and then. Unless you are righting settings with automation, then I guess you could bounce to disc etc.

Hey Andy
thank you so much for that, it will be a mandatory step in my journey to perfect sonic sound! You da man!:worship:
You guys rock!:worship: thanks!
Andy Sneap said:
yes brett thats correct

Even with the snare triggered there´s the need for tweaking ?

I thought with the trigger it would be pice of cake. Nevertheless it must be easier.

I´ve been only using drumagog on the snare audio track and it sometimes gets hard to trigger.
_RiseInside_ said:
Even with the snare triggered there´s the need for tweaking ?

I thought with the trigger it would be pice of cake. Nevertheless it must be easier.

I´ve been only using drumagog on the snare audio track and it sometimes gets hard to trigger.

very rarely Drumagog triggers everything "out of the box".

Depending on the material i often end up editing the audiotrack "pre-Drumagog" as well as i often use Gates/Comp and EQ to improve triggering.
