Midi and Drumagog

In Drumagog, under the advanced tab, there is a section for MIDI. You add an audio track to Nuendo. Set the output of your MIDI track to a channel, like "1" for instance. Then in Drumagog you set the input in the MIDI section to "Channel 1". Tada.

006 said:
In Drumagog, under the advanced tab, there is a section for MIDI. You add an audio track to Nuendo. Set the output of your MIDI track to a channel, like "1" for instance. Then in Drumagog you set the input in the MIDI section to "Channel 1". Tada.

so are you saying you need the blank audio channel to insert drumagog to begin with? and then just set your midi track to channel 1, and of course set the midi in on drumagog to channel 1 and it should work?
Yeah. Basically whatever you are using to record with, doesn't matter. What you do is, have an audio track that's empty. Add Drumagog as a plug-in on it. Then on your MIDI track, set the output to Drumagog. Then on Drumagog under the advanced tab you select "MIDI IN ENABLED" and a little drop down menu will show up, you select whatever your internal MIDI thing is, and it'll start playing back using the MIDI as a trigger instead of audio.

If you're on a Mac, then this is easy, because Mac's have a built in MIDI "device", it's called IAC. If you're on Windows, I think you have to download something called "MIDI Pipe", a search on Google will turn up the right results.

Make sure the midi channel & midi notes in your midi track are the same as drumagog's midi channel & midi note for the "midi in enabled" section.
Thanks fellas i will give it a shot. im sure i was doing everything mentioned exept having actual audio on the track i am inserting drumagog on.