DRUMAGOG question!!


Apr 8, 2006
Just got Drumagog, but having problems with it. It keeps missing some drum hits, on like drum rolls and some blast beat parts sound abit inconsitent, almost like our drummer is out of breath and drops loads of beats. which isnt the case.
Any ideas folks!??

Go into visual mode and make sure you are adjusting the sensitivity to capture the beats. Also, EQ out any thing you don't need for that instrument and use a compressor to level out the hits.
Mess with the "Triggering Engine" on the last tab. I have noticed when set wrong it wont notice all the quick hits even though resolution is quick enough. I dont have a project going with it right now, but i believe use simple and set the resolution to 23 ms. You definatley need to get the trigger filter set right also. I use boost mode with the level @ 20db and preview it till you get the loudest peaks. Hope this makes sense and helps :)
I'm still having problems with drumagog, doesnt seem to want to trigger all the drum hits, i've been fiddling around with it all and nothing seems to come from it (well not all the hits).
Any more suggestions???

P.S i'm using the andy sneap gog files, there seems to be a clipping, crackiling sound on the kick, anyone else find this so as well??
to be honest, in my opinion drumagog is (depending on how well the samples have been cut) not always 100% accurate... well not for me anyhow despit automating automation for all useful parameters

i'm not dissing it in anyway; far from it its fucking amazing; but sometimes you do have to go in and tidy up a few details here and there. not ideal but the best there is and well worth the effort