Drumagog question


Apr 18, 2008
For as much as I use this damn program I have a question. When you are oversampling a layer, how do you get it to just put one damn sample on a hit? Meaning let's say i'm over sampling something that has a peak in its fade out and it puts 2 snare hits over one. I don't know how to get it to NOT do that. The way i've been doing takes forever, I go in and zoom and cut each wav so that the hit is just a pop basically. There has to be an easier way.

Any help? (Feels like a n00b)
buy a set of triggers and record with mics and triggers is the best solution, otherwise yes sensitivity knob, and tons of editing, there's no real easy way to do it that i've found
There is also a setting for the minimal amount of time before triggering the next sample. Don't have it in front of me, and I forget what it's named, but it's on the main page.