Drumagog Flames/Sensitivity


New Metal Member
Feb 14, 2011
Hi everybody.

I'm using drumagog 5 on my new track. (Kick/Snare/Toms)

I'm recording my toms with a Sennheiser e604 and I'm using Pro Tools.
After I recorded the drums I'm using drumagog to replace the sound.
The Kik and snare work pretty well but when it comes to toms its impossible.
There are so many hits in drumagog but I only played like 2 or 3. On every hard hit there are 2 notes at the same time but with different velocities.
There is no way to get only 2 hits with the SENSITIVITY they just sound like flames!
I'm using live mode because of the big latency in pro tools 8.0!

Can anybody tell me what to do?
Should I change the mic position to work easier with drumagog?

Sorry for my english, I'm german.:)
Thx Danny
I'm recording my toms with a Sennheiser e604 and I'm using Pro Tools.
After I recorded the drums I'm using drumagog to replace the sound.
The Kik and snare work pretty well but when it comes to toms its impossible.
There are so many hits in drumagog but I only played like 2 or 3. On every hard hit there are 2 notes at the same time but with different velocities.
There is no way to get only 2 hits with the SENSITIVITY they just sound like flames!
I'm using live mode because of the big latency in pro tools 8.0!


Try moving the Transient Detail slider to the left, to make Drumagog less sensitive to these hits.

If you are using Pro Tools LE, this does not compensate for plugin delay. However, rather than using Live Triggering mode you can still use Advanced Triggering mode by manually moving the audio of the tracks being used back by 80 ms (the default setting for Latency in Advanced Triggering mode).

Toms are generally pretty hard to trigger from,especially if they're not well recorded. Highpass them before the triggering software (otherwise the boom will just make it harder, you just want the attack on the topend), and maybe even chop them up (literally split at the start of each transient and leave just the attack) if its still not working.

If all else fails, buy Trigger XD
Hey thx,
yes I already bought some ddrum triggers. The only problem I have is the trigger hits are always different when it comes to loudness. I read to reduce the dynamic range to 50% but nothing changed.

Any ideas?
Hey thx,
yes I already bought some ddrum triggers. The only problem I have is the trigger hits are always different when it comes to loudness. I read to reduce the dynamic range to 50% but nothing changed.

Any ideas?

I meant "Trigger", it's a software drum replacement plugin, not triggers. I don't know how to use triggers.

But if they're all different volume, chop them up as I said (much easier with triggers), and then normalize them all (if you don't care about dynamics), or just boost the gain on some of them til they all trigger correctly. Toms are tricky.
One thing that sometimes helps when replacing is eqing the source before replacing it.
Take some lows out and such to add definition(incase the toms ring like fuck)

Try it and see if it helps.