Drumkit From Hell/Production test

yeah I've been having that trouble too. Just have'nt had the time to figure it out. I'm gonna look at the mic levels and see whether its got something to with that. the power is there and the voltage is there too. It may be to do with the pseudo phasing? Anybody else have this issue? The snares just sound really small . I know real drums can sound like shit when put into a metal track and our pre-conception of what drums sound like is totally off but even I can get a big sound from just a few mics so why do these samples that cost me £130 sound tiny. Saying that it does a great job of sounding real.

Anybody know if myself and this gentlemen are being stupid and missing something real obvious or is it something you all have come across, and found work arounds
I have the same problem, Cant get the snare to sound that good at all on DFH, gets me pretty stressed sometimes. I usally double it up with some other snares usally. But to be honest I perfer a more natural snare sound than a triggered one though, but it seems I have no chose at all sometimes though.
Heres a example of my snare on my myspace page, But it seems the best I can do so far. www.myspace.com/killchain
If you do get the snare sounding bit more phatter (without any other samples on top) give me shout.