

Oh man, that is hot!!!
Dec 18, 2004
i've been thinking of taking up the drums... if my living situation changes in the near future i'll be able to buy my own kit. now i know what to look for in guitars, but have no idea what i'm looking at with drums. how much could you get a used kit for that is halfway decent? i.e., nothing spectacular, but good enough for recording. my friend has this kit that i thought was totally shitty but when we recorded this song in a studio the drums sounded fine, so i dunno really where the line is drawn. anyway, anyone have any pointers on what to look for?
sonofhendrix13 said:
If your just starting out I wouldn't expect you to do that much recording.

well i've been playing guitar for 8 years and i'm writing songs all the time, i'm just getting sick of the limitations of a drum machine. i'm not deluded enough to think i'm gonna be the next flo mournier a week after i get em, but i would hope to be adequate enough to record at least for my own purposes within like 6 months. i caught on to guitar pretty quick at least...
you could probably get a cheap CB set or something. my old drummer used to play on a CB set until he could afford a nicer set. it'd be good enough to get the job done without blowing a lot of cash. plus more CT drummers would be a very very good thing!!
If you intend to record in a studio, rather than your home studio, you need not to worry much about quality - the average studio has got a halt-decent kit, some will also setup a custom kit you choose in beforehand...

Even if you intend to record at home, as long as you have your kit well tuned, decent oil skins according to the sound you're looking for, triggers for toms and kicks (and perhaps snare), decent mics and good placement and a room where the kit sounds good I.e w/o much natural reverb, if not totally dry (You can work this from software later on during the mix), you're on the good track to a good sounding drumkit...of course, this is all theoretical shit, cuz the drummer's accentuations play also an important role on the sounding of the drums (as much as the fingers add to the tone of your guitar, I am guitarrist btw!). Provided you didn't specify a price limit, I say, out of my preference: Sonor Force 3003, mid-series sabian cymbals and Tama Iron Cobra Double-Kick pedals (metal standard)

Good luck!

EDIT: Changed pretends to intends to avoid confusion..
Killogy said:
you could probably get a cheap CB set or something. my old drummer used to play on a CB set until he could afford a nicer set. it'd be good enough to get the job done without blowing a lot of cash. plus more CT drummers would be a very very good thing!!

well the only way i'll be able to get a kit is if i move to ohio :) ...thats what i meant by the living situation changes, hehe

but yeah... my friend has those CB drums.. they kinda sound like ass but when we recorded in the studio, i guess they were able to fix the sound somehow... gotta love studio magic :D

anyway, i was looking at that tama rockstar kit, not too bad
I think that Pearl is the master of budget kits. The Export line is a perfect line for beginners, and even a quality second set for some. They range from 700-900, are quality, sound great, and lots of people use them. Pearl's customer service is top notch, and Im currently saving up for a Pearl Session 8 piece + ICON Rack + Eliminator DPedal, should be fun.

Nice to see some CT representing in UM - Wallingford here. Goin to the Cryptopsy show sunday @ Webster?
i was GONNA go to that show cuz my friends band is opening but i have to go to my brother's graduation in ohio :-/
Erik said:
He's from Portugal and I would bet that he means "intend" and not "pretend"

Exactly, thanks for pointing that out Erik! However, pretend is one of the meanings of intend...(just checked dictionary) does it make a bigger difference in the current context? anyways, sorry for any confusion

yeah, in conversational english, saying "pretend" in that context makes you sort of sound like an ass :D i knew what you meant though, no worries :)