DSP codes?


Micah Amstutz
Jan 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I hope I don't get slammed for asking a dumb question... and hopefully it's not a dumb question. but I found something rather interesting on the Line 6 website.


it's a tonecore pedal, with USB on it to upload your own DSP codes??? how widely are these codes used, and available? or is it something that has to be designed from scratch? could I use development software for plugins and copy over schematics like DaWolf does? (If I understand correctly how he designs his plugins) I am VERY curious what I could potentially do with this pedal... it would be SICK to have a TSE-X30 in pedal form on my pedalboard :) any info at all would be much appreciated. I googled it, and was unable to find much pertaining to this...
That's a real product by Line 6 though, it's been out quite some time.

IIRC the problem with that product was that you only got a kit that allowed you to "make your own" effects and not really enabling programmers to make effects for it, but I'm not sure.

Then again, I've never heard anyone use such a pedal, so it might just be that it hasn't lifted its head among programmers or even musicians yet.