Dual or Quad track + eq help?


Jul 4, 2009
I am recording sex murder art (slayer) as my first real recording. Just wont opinions on wether to dual or quad track it? and also in my di tracks (using ampsims) i have some annoying pick squeaks. How can i get rid of them...eq?
Yeah, with sound problems that occur in the performance the only fix is to get it right in the performance. The pick squeeks will still be there, the EQ will just (at best) lessen the effect.

If you feel up to it, quad track. If you decide to just go dual, just can just mute the other tracks, and it's nice to have the option. It's also good practice to playing tight.
I am recording sex murder art (slayer) as my first real recording. Just wont opinions on wether to dual or quad track it? and also in my di tracks (using ampsims) i have some annoying pick squeaks. How can i get rid of them...eq?

I had the same problem when i was recording, those annoying squeak noises when you move your fingers over the strings.
There's only one solution: practice untill you don't do it anymore.
you can't really get rid of the pick squeaks. how apparent they are often depends on the guitar tone.
noise-free gear will of course help but if you try to remove the pick noises with EQ you only destroy your guitar tone AFAIK.
solution? change your amp settings or use another amp/cab... (you might think you already have "the perfect tone" but that's just an illusion :goggly:)
double or quad? let your ears decide...

edit: if you meant like a pick squeak by mistake and not the kind you usually get when playing the high strings -> re-record!