Dual Recto problems...


Mathew Cohen
I just picked up a dual rectifier and I noticed something weird going on when playing through it... on channel 2, the volume is ridiculously lower than the other two channels... I've disengaged the loop in my attempts to trouble shoot it... the other two channels sound fine, I suppose. I have to really crank the master on the channel (like ALL the way) to get a comparable amount of volume as I get with the other two channels... I was wondering if anyone might know whats going on with it.

I'm hoping I dont have to get it serviced...
I'm just going to replace them all... I just spoke with the guy and they are the original tubes... all of them. :erk:

Tube recommendations (pre & power) would be awesome (been a while since I've bought tubes)... I actually want to hear what a recto sounds like with EL34s... but I want a set of 6L6 as well just in case.
V1 is for the clean channel?

There's two triodes in a 12ax7 tube. One triode (V1a) drives the input for all three channels. The second triode (V1b) is only used when in channel 1.

If you're interested, here's a link to a schematic that has a good block diagram showing which tubes are used for which channels.
I'm at dougstubes.com and I don't see JJ high gain... and they are OutOfStock on the Chinese... =

If he's out of stock on the Shuguang 9th generation Chinese, you can go for Penta Labs (same rebranded Chinese tube).

The JJ high gain tube would be the ECC83S and select "High Gain" in the pull down menu when you add it to your cart.

(I'm a frequent shopper with Doug.) :kickass:

Ok... well, I was just curious... I'd ultimately like to get the cleanest clean on channel 1... and I don't know how to read schematics very well... :erk:

Well, simply put, V1, V2, and V5 are used for all three channels.
V3 is used for channel 2 and 3 only.
V4 is for the effects loop.

If you want a good clean, I'd say your fine with any standard (not high gain) tube in the V1 spot. Tung Sol is a good tube, IMHO. As are the 9th generation Chinese...
I'd recommend getting them locally if you can, preferably even from an amp tech. Else, Eurotubes (google it) keep full kits at respectable prices.