Dual recto - Recabinet demo - death metal - EZdrummer - Please rate mix of my demo

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I haven't posted anything for a short while I thought I'd put up something I've been working on.

I basically made a Cubase template with the last recording I posted, and have set about recording all of my bands songs to the same sound as a sort of 'demo album' because all of the songs were recorded over a fairly long period and my skills were developing at the same time, so as a result, they all sound different and I'm trying to put together this 'demo album' to have our songs all sound relatively consistent. There aren't any vocals or solos yet because 1. I'm not the vocalist and 2. My guitar strings aren't in any shape to be doing leads, and my other guitar player has to write his solo too, so apologies for the repetition.

I'm trying to go for a very raw sounding death metal mix, similar to the first Decapitated albums, because I haven't had much luck with making EZdrummer sound good for the nice refined modern kinds of death metal mixes, so yes the snare is a bit high end-y and the kick is very clicky, but I think it sounds ok. Any tips would be much appreciated however.

This was using the pre-amp section of my Dual Recto (3ch) boosting it with a ZW-44 MXR overdrive pedal, with my Loomis Schecter that has blackouts in it.

I used impulses from the Recabinet demo (which I think is awesome by the way) into Cubase. There is some EQ and compression on the guitar tracks too.

So anyway, sorry about the long description. Here it is...Qyr Ahr'bn Bl'enn. (apologies for low quality mp3 and soundclick too :goggly: )
Yo Dylan! I think it sounds brutal!

I would agree with maybe cutting some high end out of the cymbals and lowering them a bit in the mix.

But overall, I think you did great with making EZ Drummer sound good!

Guitar tone is awesome!
Thanks a lot guys.

I'll definitely cut the cymbal high end out of it. I am actually REALLY stoked that you are liking the guitar sound. I've struggled so much to get good sounding mixes because I've always been having difficulties making EZdrummer sound good, and my guitar tone is just an after-thought, but now with these impulses and my Dual Recto, even if the tone is a bit dry sounding (like Rectos are anyway with low gain settings) I think it fits the style really well.

Keep the comments coming!

Btw Lowberd/Lemondaine, I'm sure I've read your real name somewhere on mx but I can't remember it. Care to remind me? :lol:
that kick sounded absolutely weird for me! On the fast double-kick parts, everything gets super super boomy and the atack sounds unnatural to me.

I feel the guitars are a bit too in the back and would need some more upfront-ness. Sounds like a good tone that wants to make it's way through.
Thanks guys!

I think when I master it I'll be able to suck a lot of the cumulative bass out with a cut and it might take away some of that boomy sound, and I also bought Recabinet a few hours ago, so I've been messing with more impulses and have brought the guitar sounds up a bit, as well as taken the cymbals down a tad.

I haven't updated the link yet though because it's just to give you an idea of the sound of the album, and i'll post the whole thing when it's done so everyone here who wants it can download it.

The next song I post will most likely have vocals and leads and stuff as a 'teaser' to see what people think while I'm mixing the rest of it. :)
Last bump guys, then I'll post something new when it's completed. :)

Anyone else have thoughts on the composition? I thought all my songs were awesome and then I went to the Summer Slaughter Australia tour and came away feeling very mediocre. :lol: