Dual tracked guitars sent to Bus... apply EQ/effects on Bus only?


New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2010
Hey guys... I am dual tracking guitars and I have sent both the hard panned L and R tracks to a group channel in cubase... do I apply all effects such as the compressor, eq, amp sim, and keFIR to this group channel and leave the individual guitar tracks clear of any inserts?

Thanks in advance
I would apply the amp sim stuff seperately as inserts on each channel. Stuff can get really weird adding that on the bus that both tracks are sent too.
If I do anything with amp sims and cab impulses, I always use them on the individual tracks. Also, when these are on an individual track, you can "freeze" the track so it doesn't use up so much of the CPU during playback. I also generally do any compression on tracks individually.

Things like chorus/reverb/eq I might do on a bus if more than one track are getting the same treatment.
If you want the guitars to be more of a one big wall of sound across the stereofield --> do all the processing on the bus, cause it kind of glues it all nicely together..

And if you like more separation and you have maybe bit different elements going on L-R wise, I'd process the channels separately.

Althought I admit the ampsims tend to benefit from individual processing in 9/10 cases..
Ampsims should be on individual tracks. For compression I'd use individual tracks too.

I normally Eq on the bus, assuming that all the guitars have the same sound. If I'm using different amps I'll eq them differently.