Dubstep recommendations anyone?

That's my point exactly: if it's about creativity and fun then DON'T listen to any dubstep but just use the 1000 sounds you can find everywhere. That way you'll be less likely to just copy what everyone else has been doing since 2008 and what everyone is getting bored by. Cause even if it is new to you, the general public will think "old shit" if it sounds too much like something they heard in 2010. Kinda what you think about the new Dream Theater album in the other thread :)

Also: drew_drummer is right about the difference between Dubstep and Brostep. What you are probably looking for is the latter (Skrillex, Excision, etc) which is what most people call "Dubstep" these days.

Okay...and that dubstep I´ve listen to yet was just music produced with presets mainly? I have great interest to create own sounds, of course. I´m in a process of absorbing all that stuff existing in the music circus these days. I´m very bored musically and "Dubstep" is kindanew for me, also because I had massive prejudices about it ;) I ignored the hype totally!

So..okay, it's good to know the differences. Never heard about Brostep haha. I will try to give myself some overview.

Thanks for your help, mates :)
I don't know what you listened to so far, but the available presets are probably created after the "big names" of the genre brought out their first popular tracks. Then everyone and their mother started using the sounds.

Ahh okay, I understand. Overall I only know the stuff was been suggested in this thread yet :) I guess, the boundaries are blurred. So I´m also glad for suggestions in wider range.
A LOT of people hate on it, but I loved Big Chocolate's older stuff on 'I'm Shot.'
Super filthy and distorted, it's probably technically considered brostep but I dig it!
Most of the bollocks linked in this thread isn't even dubstep. It's brostep, and it was shit even 2 years ago.

Checkout the stuff on Chestplate; real fucking dubstep. None of that Skrillex shite.

By now, it's obvious that's not what he's looking for.

You just have to face the fact that everyone else did 2 years ago - the genre has been obscured beyond repair.
NI stuff is great for dubstep. Massive is a real workhorse, but as you get better at making these sounds you'll learn how to spot Massive from a mile away - so I guess it's somewhat of a one-trick pony in that sense as well.

It's a great tool to start from, but apart from the basic wobbles it's not so exciting on the long run. You should check out Razor (by NI as well)...Great for making something a little different!
Most of the bollocks linked in this thread isn't even dubstep. It's brostep, and it was shit even 2 years ago.

Checkout the stuff on Chestplate; real fucking dubstep. None of that Skrillex shite.

Genres change with the years. You're sounding like people who claim modern bands aren't "really metal" because they don't sound like, say, 82's Iron Maiden. You might not approve of the evolution, but that doesn't make it any less real. It is dubstep, as it still stems from dub and 2-step. Brostep is an umbrella term, much like djent is being used to describe a variation of progressive metal... but while they might make it easier to google stuff sometimes, these umbrella terms don't exclude the original name of the genre: they are additions.
Genres change with the years. You're sounding like people who claim modern bands aren't "really metal" because they don't sound like, say, 82's Iron Maiden. You might not approve of the evolution, but that doesn't make it any less real. It is dubstep, as it still stems from dub and 2-step. Brostep is an umbrella term, much like djent is being used to describe a variation of progressive metal... but while they might make it easier to google stuff sometimes, these umbrella terms don't exclude the original name of the genre: they are additions.

Real dubstep: http://www.fabriclondon.com/blog/view/audio-distance-fabriclive-x-chestplate-mix

You're welcome.

You might as well reply with this


to every rock discussion on this forum. By your definition, this is real rock and any future variation of this style isn't. So, you can choose to call tracks that share several aspects of a convention called "genre" or pretend that every little stylistic change or added element over the course of over a decade really requires a new nomenclature, at which point we'll end up discussing whether post-avant jazzcore is or not better than progressive dreamfunk.
Massive is the most popular instrument for making dubstep these days.

Aside from that (or whatever vst instrument/s you use),don't underestimate the
importance of audio sample manipulation,and the possibilities you get from it.Not
to mention that you get a more personal sound this way,instead of using one single
instrument that everybody uses.

Watch this video.Very inspiring...

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