DUDE, I FIXED MY GUITAR (that EMG81 thing)

Uncle Junior

Jun 24, 2009
Ok, dudes.... you dissed me propperly in my thread How to install emg81...thanks for all the help and funny stuff :D

Ok here is the main thing......Bought the LTD Kirk Hammet Signature KH-603 guitar two years ago, but back then I wasn't recording much and just played the damn thing......

....but know that I have found your forum here my heart and mind were filled with joy. you're like a family here. But let's not get too gay now :D
I like the forum a lot ona your mixes, tones and songs are great and very fuckin' inspiring.

Ok, now back to the main thing I guess... so I started recording now and noticed that my DI signal was fucked in the ass. Was it my DAW? NO!
Was it my DI-box? NO!

It was the damn guitar I owned for two years and the DI tracks looked like the guitar itself had a fuckin' compressor built inside. :D

So my Di looked like this, when you zoomed in

The picture is fuckin' sybolic but it looked the same on my DI track in Cubase.
So I decided to post some threads and ask you a few things about this matter. Some of you said the emg clip and that this is normal NOT!!! and that I can fix this by applying 18V NOT!!! ...but thanks for the suggestions I guess don't get me wrong here. I'm thankful as fuck here. :worship:

But the way I fixed this shit, was by reinstalling the damn wiring of my guitar. Some Korean fuck (guitar was made there, except the EMG81 active set, that was made in the USA) wired the pickups like a retard and soldered the fuckin' wires all wrong.

Now I don't want to insult any Koreans here, but hose guys don't even have a basic education or they are so nervous in those sweatshops having to work and wire my guitar while a dude the with the fuckin' AK47 is watching them 24/7. I don't know...

So I fixed it... Yupi ka yey mofo.

And guys, you really are great...all of you.:headbang:
good job, man...you even found the problem with no help from anyone here

now pat yourself on the back for a second

....and then ask yourself why you ever bothered asking in the 1st place :Spin: