Dude, that was 20 years ago...


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
So, bossman comes in and tried to "impress" me with his music knowledge. He said he overheard someone saying that Metallica's bassist is dead. I was like, "Huh?" Because, last I heard, Rob Trujillo was alive and well. Bossman goes on to say, "Yeah, the bassist died in Europe in a bus crash." I couldn't help but laugh. Then, I informed him that the person that was being talked about died almost 20 years ago. :err:

Of course, this is the guy who thinks Rush has no talent, and how he's "into punk" because he listens to The Hives.
Rem, there's only one solution to this problem. Pick up a big stick, and hit this guy smack across the back of the head with it. Tell him he's just been struck with the clue-by-4.

Jesus, next thing you know, he'll be telling you that he thinks icebergs weren't right for the Titanic.
GregadetH said:
I say kick his ass and paint [nWo] on his back. When he asks what it stands for, tell him it's the latest craze in wCw.

HAHAHAHA.... That's gold!

We missed you on here man. Good to have you back posting!
TRUE STORY - I actually met a guy at a party about a year ago and we we're shooting the shit about music (he seemed into his music) and we started talking about Nirvana and he says: "They haven't put a record out in AGES!!" I laughed and, as if confused by my response, he adds: "What? It's true! It's been like 10 years......"

I'll let you imagine the face I pulled and the hilarity of his shock when I explained that the singer of said band had blown his head off a decade earlier!!

He was like: " Really???? NO WAY!!! Are you kidding???? Damn, I liked them a lot!!"

I like to think I witnessed the last person on the planet finally hearing the "news".
I've had that too, a classmater of mine who seemed so "knowledgable" of rock music goes to his friend "oh hey did you know Frank Zappa is dead?"

i turned 'round and said "Frank Zappa has been dead for 10 years"
Crabmeat said:
I like to think I witnessed the last person on the planet finally hearing the "news".

And for that you should get an award! That would make a good "Visa Card" commercial.
Nirvana CD $15
Nirvana Hat $10
Flannel Shirt $15

The look on your face when you hear K.B. is dead, priceless.
Once I had to explain to a 'punk' that not only was Sid Viscous dead, but he wasn't the original bassist anyhoo.

I also had someone convinced that Johnny Rotten was dead aswell. Despite the fact that he seemed pretty much alive when I saw the reunion a cpl of months before this