dug out an old mix of mine...


Jul 27, 2005
...and remixed the damn thing from ground up.

i had some spare time and was bored, so i dug out this one as it's pretty old for me...one of the first mixes i ever did i think.

anyways, here's the files

new one
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1296348/dennis/Dargolf Fragle Neu.mp3
old one

obviously waaaay fucking better, good to see i'm making some progress over here haha.
drums are automated all over the place. i tried to "sneap up" the drums as far as i could go given the raw tracks. kick is the original sample track included with the project, snare 50:50 blend of natural and 2 slate snares, toms all slate (still not too happy with them, but the tracking was...not the best).
also, in my quest for the the closest vst approximation of that sneap d-verb sound i tried lots and lots of reverb plugins, and settled on bootsy's epicverb. pretty cool thing actually! like it better than freeverb.

other than that....bass is a blend of the 3 tracks included in the project, so no reamp. guitars are pretty raw, only hp/lp and 2 shallow dips. 5150 combo IIRC.
nebula with a console emulation all over the mix btw, also nasty VSD, a virtual summing device that i recently stumbled upon.

influenced by all the staub/cla talk over here i tend to compress my buses and the 2bus a lot, but for this one i backed off a fair bit, only mild 2bus compression (g-channel, 2:1 30ms attack 0.1 release, 4db gr at max), tape saturation for glue, 2 gclips and w1 limiter. on the individual tracks i only compressed the snare, and completely smashed the vocals - they needed it.

what do you think?

listening back on can's i think i overdid the snare compression a bit. i was referencing a lot with the nevermore obsidian "stems" in the shred like loomis competition, and i noticed that the snare was really compressed but everything else was pretty open, so i tried to mimic that to some degree.
Definitely a lot better and clearer! cool mix overall!
Did you put a chorus or somehing on the snare on the old mix? sounded weird
care to share the kick? I like it!
honestly, i can't remember at all.....i doubt there was chorus on there, never did that (why would i haha) but there's certainly a lot of things wrong with that mix....

kick, well check the forum, maybe the full project is still uploaded. it was the kick they included in that project.....but i THINK they said it was actually the sneap kick.