Dumbest excuse/reason to buy an album.

Stating the obvious: because it was recommended to me by one of you retards :loco:

hahaha seriously

i bought that sanctuary album based purely on the artwork and it being produced by dave mustaine. naturally i have good intuition...

I bought a Susperia album based on the fact that it was the only nuclear blast album in this one store at a family seaside resort (family vacation from hell).

Not a bad choice.

I bought a used CD by this band Scum based solely on the fact that it was on "Black Mark" records. Not a bad choice either, I dug that album.
I bought Leviathan by Mastodon because some of you assfucks thought it was decent. :Puke:
I don't like glam rock, therefore I never got into Queensryche.

I do own Änglagård, but the Å and Ö are probably non-existant in my collection. Besides, if we include them, there's also arabic, cyrillic, chinese, japanese, etc, etc to consider. I kept it to the English alphabet.

Arabic, Cyrillic etc are different character sets altogether while the Swedish one is still derived from the alpha beta shitz. Using my logic though, leaving out icenald and norway and such would be cheating a bit