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I checked his court records, which are linked from the snopes site. GSI stands for Gross Sexual Imposition. That usually covers forcing someone to have sex when they cannot resist either because they are unconscious, drunk, whatever, or they are mentally retarded and don't have the cognitive abilities to truly understand what is going on, or the victim is under age 18 and perp is over 18, etc. I think these laws can vary from state to state in the US, but I'm not certain.

http://www.sband.org/Pattern_Jury_Instructions/criminal_crossref_detail.asp?category=Sex Crimes
oh fook, that musta cost some poor fucker a fortune in couselling bills. unless theres a self help book called "SO: you've been bumed by a mongoloid zombie dwarf" :ill:
I adjudicate disability claims for a living, and you wouldn't believe how many people file and say they are unable to work because they are depressed, anxious, schizophrenic, or whatever, then I get their medical records and find out the only reason they are in treatment is because it's court-ordered because they're sexual perps :mad:

and of course I also get claims where I read all this treatment history for people who've been raped and beaten by their relatives their whole lives

sometimes I just don't like people :bah:
i worked a month at a doctors as a secretary, she did that kind of juridical stuff as well...

one men looked like trash really but turned out to be this professor at some uni
he wanted to get declared handicapped officially because he has a bad aching back and 'it's no problem to teach my 5 hours of classes a week, but as a professor i have to do loads of research and copy papers, and that is just too painfull'
off the record he isn't able to keep his hands of his students and rather be declared handicapped than sacked.
I can relate vague stories, just nothing specific due to privacy laws...

I've read exam reports where the patient who is in the office is very large, like 400-500 pounds, and they have fungus growing in the folds of their fat

I had one guy who had such poor dental care, like none, and his rotting teeth abcessed to the point where the infection became so bad it traveled to his brain and gave him a brain abcess

and people name thier kids the most ridiculous names...like dee-AH-ree-ah, only it was spelled Diarrhea...or the woman who named her daughter shi-THAYD, only it was spelled Shithead
Apparently he has some congenital cranial/facial disorder.That coupled with the trappings of a sexual deviant gives his other worldly appearance.
Heres some pics of him when he was a kid:

Wasn't he cute?
What the hell happened to him?