

Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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I would post this at Talkmovies if it still existed, but this is kind of Maiden related because of "To Tame A Land" :grin:.

I started reading "Dune Messiah" (the second book in the series) last night and didn't realise how much of the mythology I'd forgotten since I read the first one about six years ago.

Wouldn't it be great if someone could make a series of Dune films with the same respect for the material that Peter Jackson has for LOTR. As good a director as David Lynch is, his 1982 version didn't make any sense because most of it ended up on the cutting room floor. Frank Herbert attempted a screenplay years ago and gave up, so what chance would anyone else have?

I guess the closest we'll get to a Dune movie is the mini-series that came out a couple of years ago which I still haven't seen. Can anyone vouch for how faithful it is to the books?

It's fairly faithful story wise, but it's not real exciting. I borrowed it from the video store a while ago. Can't remember what exactly was wrong with it, but I can remember thinking "meh" at the end.
I remember thinking "meh" at the end of reading the book. It was so full of pseudo-intellectual waffle and pulp-technobabble that I could barely understand it. Mind you, I was about 12 when I started reading it. Nonetheless, I've never felt the desire to read it again.
I bought the dvd series because it looked interesting on the previews. Im yet to get further than halfway through the first dvd. Every time I think about watching the rest I realise I havent done anything to deserve that.
"Dune" could have been a great sci-fi adventure series if Herbert had toned down the mystical elements and come up with a more coherent mode of interstellar travel. I could never comes to terms with the idea that the Navigators bent space just by thinking about it. Also the whole idea that melange was this all-powerful fifth element type affair that could do everything was a little hard to stomach. I could see the comparison he was trying to draw with oil, but even oil has its limitations.