Dungeon & Doro pics.

Yeah it was. From what I heard about the show, all the guys thought she was too old and all the girls hated her for being a whore and rubbing up against everyone hahaha.
They did at the end of the night, although I missed a lot of them 'cos I was in a crumpled heap backstage for most of the night! :(

I'm feeling a LOT better now so hopefully the show this Friday will suck considerably less for me than the last one! :bah:
The Trooper said:
I sent Maria a text message before saying "hey can I come over to your place this week to hang out with Doro?" hahaha!

Well seeing as though you're on good terms with the Raviks, do you think you'd be able to find if what my chances are for getting a couple of tickets at the door on the night? Please? :)

I don't have mine yet, and can't get to Melbourne until about 7pm Saturday night. I'd be about ready to hurt people if I missed out. :erk:
The Trooper said:
Yeah it was. From what I heard about the show, all the guys thought she was too old and all the girls hated her for being a whore and rubbing up against everyone hahaha.

Sounds like I missed out!
Oooh good point Sydo, coz I'm getting my ticket on the night too (since I don't have any money until Friday!), so yeah I'll definitely ask coz I also wanna know!

She never messaged back about the coming over to meet Doro thing :( :lol:
Maybe she wants me all to herself!.. :loco:

...Nope, that doesn't work.. Err,.. Maybe I want herself all to me.. No, not that either... Who are we talking about about again? Beer yeah, yeah beer. Beer, beer is good. Yeah. BEER! :kickass:
Well then I spose the text message I sent her 5 minutes ago asking Sydo's question about the tickets was pointless haha I might have to give her a call I think.