Dungeon & Doro pics.

I just bought "Love Me In Black" for $18. It sucks haha. I don't like it :(

What do you think the setlist will be like? I hope its mainly Warlock stuff and songs from her first 2 solo albums because they rule.
The Trooper said:
I just bought "Love Me In Black" for $18. It sucks haha. I don't like it :(

What do you think the setlist will be like? I hope its mainly Warlock stuff and songs from her first 2 solo albums because they rule.

Yeah, it does sorta suck. I paid about $30 for mine. :(
You'll get your money back on that easy if you can ship to the States. It's a really hard album to find.

I'm guessing the setlist will be mainly early Warlock stuff (especially from Triumph & Agony), a few ballads, and two songs from Fight.
Cool coz the Warlock stuff rocks! :rock:

So should I try to sell Love Me In Black or should I just keep it to get signed? I can't see myself ever listening to it. I honestly didn't expect Doro to have an industrial album.... I thought anything I bought of hers would be hard rock or that the newer stuff would be totally Euro metal. Don't like what I've heard of Fight either but all I've heard is the title track...

Her first 2 solo albums seem cool from what I've heard. Can you tell me what the next 2 are like???
For sale:

DORO - LOVE ME IN BLACK (1998) - $15 great condition haha.

It's very good. I highly recommend buying it off me. :p

Well actually if you don't mind your metal sounding very industrial, eg. if you like "K.F.D." by WASP and stuff (although KFD is better than this), then it probably is good :)
I haven't even listened to the whole thing. I skimmed the tracks and didn't like any. But I listened to all of the first few. That's when I got fed up with it and skimmed the rest.

I think "Do You Like It?", "Pain", "Terrorvision", etc pretty much sum up most of the album and the title track sums up the softer tracks if you want an idea of what it sounds like.
I don't know what the early Doro albums are like, I've only got the latest three. I'd rank them in the order of;
Calling The Wild
Love Me In Black

None of them sound anything like her Warlock stuff though. :(
I'm thinking the set list would probably feature:

Fight, Earthshaker Rock (god I hope so), Fur Immer, I Rule the Ruins, Hellbound, White Wedding, Kiss Me Like a Cobra, I Am What I Am, Rare Diamond and maybe some others. Possibly Chained from the latest too. It's a good one.
My girlfriend will be happy so long as there's a few from Calling The Wild. So will I actually. :)
Sydo, from the songs I've heard, her first solo record "Force Majeure" or whatever is kinda Warlockish. And her second one "Doro" is very commercial, produced by Gene Simmons and alot of it is written by Tommy Thayer, its an American hard rock album really. I love that stuff so I don't mind what I've heard but I don't think her voice is all that suited to it, I'd rather listen to Lee Aaron or Vixen. Plus the songs aren't very good. Unholy Love is the best song I've heard from it and even that would be one of the worst tracks on a Lee Aaron album.