DVD Audio Ripper Recommendation?


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
Hey guys, I'm trying to rip the audio from my retail dvds. In some cases, these are the only thing I have of these artists, for example, Testament's - Live in London is the only thing I own from them, for the moment. Since I've gone retail only, the dvds are currently the only way I can listen to these bands. I know theres such a program out there because I've used it before.. but I've forgotten the name.

Edit: I should point out that one of the requirements is that it should be easy to split into single mp3's like a normal live album.

Any suggestions?
There are a bunch of DVD audio rippers out there, just Google it.
I have one at home, but I haven't used it in so long, I can't remember what it's even called!
I use an "audio ripper" of sorts that takes any audio that goes out your sound card and captures it into a WAV file and can be stored in almost any sound format used (MP3, etc.). It's called Total Recorder. Works with pretty much any application that has streaming audio and sends it to the sound card. I've used it in the past for taking the audio off of a DVD disc.
