dvd error


Apr 16, 2002
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has anyone else's dvd skip or stop working in Deliverence? mine does that occasionally, and i didnt see this in anyother thread so i was just wondering if it has done this to anyone else
The menu is fucked because you have the wrong screen settings.

Anyway, I think mine stops for 1/2 sec in masters apprentices one time. And I have to start the documentary twice to get it to work, it skips to the end at my first click.
If you look on the back of the cover, at the bottom it says that the dvd is a dual layer disc, there will be a slight pause in the program between layers. Maybe thats why. Plus all movie dvd's do that...they pause for 1 or 2 seconds in the middle. Hmm.
Maybe the bootlegged them...?

I've never heard of The End Records with merchandise problems... so maybe they got a bad shipment.
Mine wont play on certain DVD players. The menu will come up, but I'm unable to make a selection. But on other players I can make selections, and play the concert and the documentary. Very strange....