DVD of Trocadero show has arrived, on the hub

Someone give me a tracklist of this fucker.

Now, I dont jhave broadband. I live in Ireland. So im asking some lucky person out there with this if theyd be willing to burn me a copy of this if I sent you a dvdr and a package to post it back in +p&p? Please. Please. Please...
i dont get this fuckin B+P shit...... i have the files and will burn onto DVD soon if i can... but its not working... hence my question...
jeffbr_ said:














osse87 said:
1. Do you need to burn it to a DVD-R? What happened to the good ol' Daemon Tools?

2. The hub adress?

3. How can it be compared to Lamentations? Isn't it filmed with one hand held camera?
1. You can use Daemon Tools.. But most people find it easier to burn it to a DVD-R or +R, so they can use it in their DVD players.

2. paladin.sublevels.net and wintermute.sublevels.net

3. Of course it can't be compared to Lamentations in terms of quality. Lamentations is a properly filmed, official release. This is some guy who took his camera to the gig and filmed it. Just be glad you're getting to see it at all... I haven't seen it yet (geting my copy soon) but I have the Ft. Lauderdale show and I personally like it more than Lamentations (and I was at the Lamentations gig). The setlist is amazing... I don't mind if it's not multi-angled or whatever, the point is that you get to see these songs played live when you perhaps couldn't before. And you get it for free. But if you don't like the fact that it's recorded on one hand held camera, then that's your problem.

Bleakest Harvest - PM me, I might be able to sort somethign out :)
In terms of looks and sound quality then yeah, Lamentations exceeds it by far. But I'm just saying that you'd be silly to pass this up just because of that, because, IMO, it's better than Lamentations. Which yeah, is mostly due to the setlist.
Btw, your bootleg of the New York Opeth show blew fucking ass and I encoded it to mp3 right away and traded off to a whole bunch of people, hope you don't mind!