DVD question: are there both PAL and NTSC versions?

isnt that dvd so called area 0 (?) so it works with all.. I am not familiar with dvd systems because i dont have one..
metal17 said:
The DVD is an "all region" format, meaning it will work on both PAL and NTSC DVD players. I hope that helps.
Uh, wrong. "All region" means the playing of the DVD isn't blocked by any region coding, but it has nothing to do with PAL and NTSC systems. As far as I can tell, PAL and NTSC are different coloring systems that affect how the image appears on the screen. Thus, when playing Live Damage DVD, you need not be concerned about regions (R1, R2, R3, etc.), but only about whether or not your DVD-player and TV support NTSC - otherwise the picture might appear monochromatic. ;)

Also, note that most of the modern DVD-players support both PAL and NTSC, but old TV's usually support only one of those formats.

-Villain (not really an expert here, but having previously struggled with regions and PAL/NTSC-problems, I know something about these things)
Who are the asshats who make it so that you can't see certain DVDs in certain places?!

I have enough shit in my life to worry about.. I sure as hell don't need to know if a DVD I want is NTRESS or RRTDGA or WERRA or STFU
I want to be able to buy a fucking DVD anywhere just by title and if I want to go to Antartica to see it in a DVD player there then goddamnit I should be able to :mad:

(what! stupid things like that just get on my tits..)
Villain said:
Uh, wrong. "All region" means the playing of the DVD isn't blocked by any region coding, but it has nothing to do with PAL and NTSC systems. As far as I can tell, PAL and NTSC are different coloring systems that affect how the image appears on the screen. Thus, when playing Live Damage DVD, you need not be concerned about regions (R1, R2, R3, etc.), but only about whether or not your DVD-player and TV support NTSC - otherwise the picture might appear monochromatic. ;)

Also, note that most of the modern DVD-players support both PAL and NTSC, but old TV's usually support only one of those formats.

-Villain (not really an expert here, but having previously struggled with regions and PAL/NTSC-problems, I know something about these things)
oops sorry...I thought that is what it meant.
Hmm... So there are colors in the dvd? I just bought the dvd yesterday and the concerts appear in black-and-white. The menu has colors though.

The dvd also had a little voice-sync problem when I played it in multi-mode, but switching to NTSC helped. I think my tv might not support NTSC.

So? Are there colors in the dvd or not?
Xzar said:
So? Are there colors in the dvd or not?
Yes, there are. Just like you suspected, your TV probably doesn't support NTSC.

Btw, did you really get rid of the sync-problem by just switching to NTSC? For me it still looks like some DVD-players can't play it properly, while some others can - and I haven't got any information about how to "upgrade" one's DVD-player.

I bought the NTSC version of the DVD from Greece, and I find this a bit strange. Does a PAL version exist at all? Any help would be REALLY appreciated :)

NTSC,PAL...I've Also Bought A Copy Of The Same DVD From Greece And To Be Honest It Sucks.
I've Seen Some NTSC Live DVD's In My PC And Believe Me Man Nothing can Compare To The D.T. DVD. The Only Thing That I've Noticed To The NTSC DVD's Is The Lines That Can Be Seen But The Picture Was Great. In The D.T. DVD Not Only The NTSC Lines Can Be Seen But Even The Picture Sucks. Only The Live In Poland, The Ones In Greece, Paris are Allright.
I Don't know If I'm So Unlucky And The One Shitty Copy Of All Came To My Hands Or It's Just A Problem Of Picture Proccesing, Mastering Or Pressing. When I Look At It Looks Like Someone Ripped The DVD In The Worst Possible Way. The Picture And Colours Are Really Confused And Look Like Boxes In A Box.
Anyone Else Had Noticed Something Like That In His DVD Copy? :confused: :mad: :hotjump:
The difference between NTSC and PAL isn't only in the colour system - in fact, the colour information stored on a DVD is identical in both formats; it's just the signal transmitted to a TV that is different.

The PAL format has a higher resolution and a lower framerate than NTSC. That is why some people accustomed to PAL systems often complain of the lines being visible when watching NTSC, and NTSC users think a PAL image flickers too much. These days pretty much all PAL equipment can play back NTSC just fine - if an image appears in black & white, you might be able to get the colour working by switching the NTSC system on your TV or DVD player between 4.43 and 3.58 (this just refers to the frequency used to encode colour in the signal). NTSC systems are less likely to support PAL, however this is not usually a problem because PAL discs are a lot more uncommon in NTSC territories than vice versa.

If your TV supports it, the best way to watch an NTSC disc in a PAL territory is to let your TV run in NTSC mode. If you tell the DVD player to convert the signal to PAL, you will end up with fuzziness and it's just not as good, but it may be the only way to watch the disc if your TV only supports PAL.

Hope that helps.
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Villain, yes, switching to Ntsc helped with the sync problem atleast IMO... (my player is Baier dvd903 or something like that) And some players can be upgraded by downloading the software from the net (can't remember the site now) and inserting the cd to the player. Try google.

I watched the dvd from my friend's newer tv and it showed the colours...

Well the gig looks somewhat nice in black-and-white =) (or maybe i'll just have to buy a new tv)
Thank you for the info, I honestly can't say I knew that. And it's good to know.

Here ..have a slice of blueberry pie.

NTSC versions exist??!! good lord no one here in Canada yet is carrying them, yet you run into an NTSC in greece?!? I'm so frustrated that I have to wait even longer for the Nightwish DVD because that's only PAL so far, but if Live Damage exists in NTSC TELL ME WHERE TO GET IT!!
As far as I know there hasn't been a North American pressing of Live Damage...if there is going to be one, I hope the synch problem is fixed cause it'll drive me completely fucking insane if it isnt.

Damn things been out for 3 months almost and I havent heard it :(
Last night working on some video stuff I noticed that NTSC and PAL have different framerates (30 and 25?) when using the sofware i had... I also believe that while not restricted, they are commonly used in certain regions only.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the sync problem only exists IF you play the dvd in PAL-mode. This is because of the different framerates that NTSC and PAL have.

NTSC is commonly used atleast in North- and South-America while PAL is the standard in Europe. (I've got no information about Asia and such...)