DVD release pushed back to may???


Oct 3, 2002
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Thought the official release was scheduled for march?? ........really looked forward to buying the goodie at one of the upcoming shows here in Germany in april..

But when I checked out the merchandising site on this website, for the Saxon chronicles DVD they say... "Released May 2003". Amazon used to have it listed, but no longer...

Another delay here??? Why so???

WHY! I've looked forward to this DVD in several months! !:waah:
Strange that it only says it there, and not on spv's site or on saxon747!
They've maybe added the trial against O/D! :grin: :rock:
i dont believe this if the dvd has been pushed back to may then this is really unfair to us fans getting our hopes up ooking forward to buying it on the release date that is given only to be pushed back. why not wait untill whoever decides the release date to be 100% sure b4 they give it out. instead of getting us fans hopes up only to be let down. COME ON GET IT RIGHT FOR A CHANGE THIS IS A REAL PISSER.
whats the betting that this dvd will get pushed back again till maybe july august 2010 that is. Maybe the new saxon album will be out before the dvd comes out and they only just started writing that. come on get the dvd released whoever is resbonsible for the release dates. This is such a farse and not at all fair to the fans.
I thought they were going to release it now, but they haven't got the DVD on any swedish onlineshop, not even with a date, or nothing, but they were in when Saxon told us here in January (with a date only), but now it's gone, how long are we going to wait? :mad:
Will try to get any official word on the actual new release date tomorrow in Kaufbeuren or the day after tomorrow in Salzburg.Will talk to Biff about this, he surely knows what the heck went wrong..

Best from snowy (!!) Munich, Germany

Were anyone on this board there, on the Wacken gig? If you were, what songs were played, and was it a good show?
Just checking if I can expect a good DVD! :grin: