Looks like the DVD release has been pushed back again

Twisted Tony said:
A few weeks ago it was to be released in May. Now when you click on the DVD+CD link it says release in June 2003.:Smug:

It'll be worth the wait.
I dont think the New Jersey mall stores will have it so we'll have to figure another week for Amazon to import it and ship it to you.

There's a CD store in Main Street in Freehold that has a good "alternative" section. So does the one on Broad Street in Red Bank.
I'm going this weekend to the one in Freehold to order it so it's in-stock on the release date.
mveneck said:
It'll be worth the wait.
I dont think the New Jersey mall stores will have it so we'll have to figure another week for Amazon to import it and ship it to you.

There's a CD store in Main Street in Freehold that has a good "alternative" section. So does the one on Broad Street in Red Bank.
I'm going this weekend to the one in Freehold to order it so it's in-stock on the release date.
Yeah I'll more then likely order it from the Saxon site. I can't wait! SAXON FUCKING RULES!!! Can't wait for them to get back here and tour!!
Seems that all DVD's currently scheduled by bands incl Iron Maiden and Nightwish are also being delayed. I guess it is something to do with the fact that with these types - History style - they are not just straight forward movies or live show with track list ........
June 10th..that's what Biff announced at the april shows...

Maybe I can get one in Milan (june 8th) or at the Obermarchtal Festval (june 9th)...

If not I can surely give you another scheduled release date after my return..:)

For the past days I watched nothing but a Dokken live DVD from the '95 Dysfuntional Tour in Tokyo/Japan...with George Lynch on guitar!!! Great stuff..
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saxon747 said:
Seems that all DVD's currently scheduled by bands incl Iron Maiden and Nightwish are also being delayed. I guess it is something to do with the fact that with these types - History style - they are not just straight forward movies or live show with track list ........

You're right about that. Dio and Slayer's DVDs have also been pushed back a few months. I guess all these bands want to try and put out the best product they can. You can't be pissed off about that.

I guess I'll just watch my Classic Rock Saxon DVD again.
But it seems like Saxon's popularity has risen very much, just take a look on how many times these threads has been viewed, almost all 3000+!!! Some has 6000+! It was not that high one or two weeks ago!!!