
Well, the DVD is called "Lamentations." I suppose with this you have enough information to find it. You can get reviews on the web, also some threads about it from this forum. Try the search function as well if you want to.

Personally, I find that DVD rather cool.
woops! double post!
bellanoche: is that a picture of sherri moon from house of a 1000 corpses? sure looks like her.....
BellaNoche said:
yes that is her, why am i " the worst specimen"?
awesome! i knew it! who is the smaller picture then?
ask land of grey and pink why you are the worst "specimin"? i wouldnt know, i was only jokingly correcting his spelling.....
to the dude who said its a well made dvd?

I think it is a well shoddy release, rushed, and put together badly....the documentary aint exactly amazing either....just mikael sat in some cheap hotel room, next to a plant....with bad lighting, hah.

Nah, the content isnt that bad tho....heh,

Also, it doesnt work on alot of peoples dvd players over here,
haha, i know....wasnt the most serious comment in the world......

but i was just ;looking at it in the sense that it could have been made by a bunch of media studies students......which is not the level of professionalism i expect from opeth...

but tis true what you say.....could have been a pitch black room for all it matters...its still mikael talking innit,
I'm pretty sure thats his house. And I'm pretty sure it was made my a media study student (friend of the band). And I'm pretty sure there's a carrot up my nose.