Dying Fetus Vocals


Feb 16, 2003
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I love Gallagher's vocals. They're so low, and mucousy! It's absolutely awesome! I'm surprised he doesn't get more recognition.
I agree, I like them. They are quite heavy. One of my fav. parts with them is the breakdown in the song Destory the Opposition.
They are cool but I thought Jasons were shitloads better. Jasons vocals sound so fucking awsome and destroy hands down one of my favorite vocalists in metal. I will take the new guy Vince over Johns vocals also.
Dying fecal has the shittiest fucking vocals I ever heard. I'm surprised cats crying as they are trapped in a car's manifold don't get more recognition. How cany anyone listen to that cacophony? Absoofuckinglootly horrid!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Dying fecal has the shittiest fucking vocals I ever heard. I'm surprised cats crying as they are trapped in a car's manifold don't get more recognition. How cany anyone listen to that cacophony? Absoofuckinglootly horrid!
you obviously don't listen to death metal........so your opinion is worthless
Who said I dont listen to death metal? I could listen to country music for all you know? Dont judge, lest be judged yourself. Sorry didn't mean to upset anyone. If you like their vocals then great. Don't let me rain on your parade. I personally don;'t care for them. Have a great day folks!
Varulv said:
I think his vocals suck... along with the rest of the band.

I do too. Just listen to Suffocation if you want NYDM, I don't see what Dying Fetus did to get so many fans. Overrated, if you ask me. Not bashing anyone, but I'm not a fan.
Varulv said:
I think his vocals suck... along with the rest of the band.
Me too. I've tried on a number of occasions to sit down and really take in some DF but I just can't get past the awful vocals. Regardless of the quality of music I cannot get past burpz0rz vocals.
They're not burpz0rz vocals. Far from them, actually. I just think they're trying too hard to be what Suffocation were. Quality NYDM that has great technical aspects.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Who said I dont listen to death metal? I could listen to country music for all you know? Dont judge, lest be judged yourself. Sorry didn't mean to upset anyone. If you like their vocals then great. Don't let me rain on your parade. I personally don;'t care for them. Have a great day folks!

holy shit dude, relax, its no big deal. just shut the fuck up and let it go!
I definately understand where y'all come from. For some reason his vocals just don't sound very high quality. But they're real. He's just so deep and incomprehensible it can easily sound bad on disc. Me, I didn't like them much, and while I don't think they're very unique, after seeing him do it perfectly live, I kinda respected the uber-deepness and ejaculatory delivery.