What about fast death metal?


May 19, 2003
What do you think of bands like dying fetus and cannibal corpse? I personally like Dying Fetus and think they are more skilled musicians, but my friend said "oh dying fetus is too fast to like, how can you like that?" and yet he listens to hate eternal and corpse. Do you like fast playing? or do you think it sounds bad?
fast is great, as long as you dont substitute speed for skill. my favorite band of all time, psypheria, combine speed with insane technicality. great shit
genocide roach said:
fast is great, as long as you dont substitute speed for skill. my favorite band of all time, psypheria, combine speed with insane technicality. great shit

How can you play fast if you have no skill? I can't just pick up a guitar and play fast.
just play the same few chords over and over really fast. LIKE BLACK METAL!!! ooooooooooooooooooooooooh! hahahaha.
There are some techinical punk/hardcore out there but usually they're pretty simple so heavy metal bands show more technical skill. I love some hardcore but they can't top the almighty heavy metal man. Heavy metal sounds way more brutal so...
Oh shit, that is supposed to be on another thread. Yeah, Dying Fetus is some pretty wicked death-grind and they're better than Corpse I say. They have pretty anti-American/capitalism lyrics. Speed and brutality isn't everything I look for in a metal group but I'll be doing this :rock: when they execute it in a way I like.
Ive seen Hate Eternal live twice and it is near to impossible to make out any individual instruments and sometimes even hard to hear changes in riffs
SADUDE said:
Ive seen Hate Eternal live twice and it is near to impossible to make out any individual instruments and sometimes even hard to hear changes in riffs
That's kind of what I was talking about when I said I hate it when you can't hear what the guitars are playing because they are drowned out by the blast beats. Though in this case that it seems that muddled mixing is as much of a factor as the guitars being drowned out by the blast beats. It's understandable that this may happen live, but there is really no excuse when you can't make out what the guitars are playing on a CD.
SADUDE said:
Ive seen Hate Eternal live twice and it is near to impossible to make out any individual instruments and sometimes even hard to hear changes in riffs

That's a problem in most metal live shows, not just Hate Eternal. I don't like blastbeats at all but Hate Eternal do have their moments.