Dying Humanity - Fallen Paradise

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Dying Humanity – Fallen Paradise
Restrain Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley


Grimy death metal in the vein of Vehemence is what can be taken from Dying Humanity upon listening and they string together their frequencies rather well. A hateful thread runs throughout the veins of the band as they progress through their musical sonicscapes making for an aggressive listen, but the musicianship isn’t stellar enough to be a contendor for the greatest death metal platter around. Nor is the scorching inferno of Fallen Paradise equal to that of bands like Immolation, but instead relegated to a more groove oriented nature.

Thus, we can see a unit that has a need to push their musical skills into a concentrated gradient without over indulging and this means that even amongst death metal fans, they may share a slightly more skewed fanbase towards the style of bands like Vehemence again. The vocals of Marcus Dietzsch take a similarly grimy approach to those of Nathan Gearheart from the aforementioned band and his approach tends to bring the band’s appeal down slightly overall rather than adding a positive effect. Instrumentally, Dying Humanity are a tight unit and play proficiently enough, though I wouldn’t consider them technical and some of their merit is best demonstrated from the opening moments of the album in particular, which display some nice arpegiated riffing.

So, on the whole an album that should appeal to fans of this more thoughtful, but no less potent kind of death metal. It isn’t an album, that I myself enjoyed to a huge extent, however, I imagine certain listeners of heavy metal might find more to enjoy here than I did.

Official My Space Website
Official Sick Sentional Website
Official Regain Records Website