Dynamic EQ Filtering plugin?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So I just had a shower and showers are my thinking time so I got to thinking..

Something like CurveEQ can average out the EQ curve of one source and apply it to another source. But is there a plugin that can do that, without the averaging. Just take a snapshot every 50ms, and smoothly change the EQ of one track to match another. For example you could take the dynamic EQ of a guitar track and apply it to some white noise, and get some really nasty distortion effect going on. Hopefully I'm explaining myself correctly. I know it's not possible on a sample-per-sample basis as that's not how EQ works, but if you took a snapshot every 50ms and smoothed the changes between them, it should get fairly accurate. Could be cool for making some interesting vocal sounds too. Anything like this exist?
Do you mean Vocoder? couse it prety fits your definition... vocoder is something like graphic EQ (on one signal) with bands conected to bands of spectroscope (on other signal)
I'm starting to sound like a broken record here but... are you talking about match EQ? Ozone by iZotope is the best solution.
Yeah, but AFAIK Ozone takes only one snapshot. What Mogan means IMO is some sort of matching EQ which does it on-the-fly (or in his case, every 50ms), not just at one time. Like if Ozone would make new IR every 50ms. Correct?