E-drums midi to drumagog?


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
My knowledge of midi is still bad. It still confuses & overwhelms me.

I have a Yamaha DTXpress II & want to put each drum from the set on it's own track, like snare on one, kick on another ect. From what I understand, this can be done with midi. (The drum brain only has one set of stereo analog outs)
My Motu 2408 mk3 doesn't have any midi connections. However my mac has USB connections. Now I believe I can transfer (bulk dump?) the midi data from the drum brain into my mac via usb but then what?
Do I need to put it into DP somehow?
Would Drumagog come in handy for this? Would I be able to bulk dump the midi into drumagog and then somehow send each drum to individual tracks in DP?
Turtle beach has a startup kit thingy but it's not for mac.
Could I do this without any additional software?
Any info would be appreciative because frankly, I'm an idiot.
I only own the limited edition, but if you buy the real version I'm pretty sure you can use midi with it....however with the setup you have I'd think there's no reason to go through drumagog, right?

FWIW Midi is a bit intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it, it's just like everything else, second nature.
On the MIDI side of things, yes you can have every kit piece on it's own channel. You could set the brain to output each piece to a diff MIDI chan.
and create those corresponding tracks in your host. You'll then have a MIDI performance with each piece on its own track.

However, if you plan on using the brains internal sounds, you are still limited to those 2 analog outs, so it does not matter if your MIDI data is seperated into individual tracks.

A REALLY long process, if you REALLY wanted to do it, would be to solo each piece out, play the performance back, and record the audio, LOL. That is
quite ghey and laborious, but it would work. That DTII brain is more suited to live use since it only has 2 outs. You'd have to be rockin' with a higher
end Roland with at least 8+ outs if you wanted to do what you are trying to do with audio.

As 'Hottie Avatar' said, go with a sample library and a proper softsampler with multi-outs like battery, etc. All hope is not lost though, cuz at least
you have an e-kit to track with! Then you can replace the sounds later on.

BTW, since your MOTU does not have any MIDI I/O, you will need a MIDI interface that will let your DTX speak MIDI to your Mackage. A simple little 1x1 is all you'd need... Something like this, which claims to work on Mac:


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Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Use a plugin sampler like Battery or HALion or Kontakt or...
I have Kompakt that came with EWQLSO but I geuss that's different from Kontakt and wouldn't work. If it could though, I'd give it a try.

I mentioned drumagog because I might want that in the future anyway but I'm not totally sure just yet.
Ok, well I guess it's either record via analog or get drumagog & DFHS.
I just wanted to keep the spending to a minimum but I want to have each drum on a separate track so I can EQ specific pieces without affecting the rest of the kit.
So spend then I must!
Thanks again guys! Carry on...
I thought Drumagog could do MIDI input...I use mine with audio at the studio so I dunno, using the Andy Sneap method with the mic signal pops to trigger Drumagog works wonders.

MIDI typically has 16 channels per plug, so you would only need a MIDI -> USB adapter dongle thing, and have that MIDI input go to DP. From there, if Drumagog does trigger with MIDI, then all you would have to do is setup each track for each peice, e.g. kick MIDI track 1 on MIDI channel 1 input, output to Drumagog, and so on for each peice (snare, hats, toms, bla bla) going up in channels.

If you really want the sounds out of your drum module, then going the analog out is pretty much the only way to go. However, since you seem really bent on using Drumagog, my guess is that you'd be replacing the sounds anyway, so then nevermind with all of that. I am pretty sure Drumagog takes MIDI input...I'll check again on their site to make sure...it does! Click here and scroll down to MIDI Input and Output. You have to get the Pro version of Drumagog though, otherwise the other versions (cheaper) won't do it. As it says, you essentially are using Drumagog as your drum module. I'm sure this would work fine on Digital Performer as long as DP recognizes the MIDI input from the MIDI-USB adapter, which I also think it would.

Ok, I'm back to this again. I got drumagog pro and a midiman/uno midi cable now. I'm able to record midi from my dtxpress II into DP but I can't get drumagog to play it's preset samples from the midi. It seems that drumagog can only be inserted into an audio track so my midi output track says drumagog/audio 1 (which is where I inserted drumagog) /insert E-10 (chose that out of E-1 through E-16 figuring maybe it has to do with midi channel 10, I don't know)
I can't get the audio 1 track to relay any any sound especialy since there is no sound to record! Don't even know if this needs to be done.

In drumagog I have the midi channel set on 10. Midi in only has "internal port" to select. Midi out has "internal port", DP input" and "apple software synth" to choose from. I guess I need to select midi in's "internal port"?
I've tried all options yet nothing. Midi note is C4 but don't see why that would matter right now.

In DP when I set the output to "apple software synth 10" the midi plays a pretty accurate representation of what I played except the kick and snare are a stick sound.

Also what happened to my "live" mode under the advanced tab? It was there, now it's gone.

Any ideas? I'm lost.
Holy jesus.
ArtisanBass said:
When drumagog says it has MIDI input and output... that mean it can just accept and send to a module?
From what I understand, midi input accepts incoming midi*allowing drumagog to act as my drum brain. I can't even get the preset samples to trigger via midi before even going into DP. It works fine with analog but that's not what I want to do.
I don't have an answer for that but I did want to say that it's funny that Radd's thread got hijacked 2 years later, lol.

I'm high, forgive me.

I don't have an answer for that but I did want to say that it's funny that Radd's thread got hijacked 2 years later, lol.

I'm high, forgive me.


Yeah well you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. If I start a new thread, people will say "Use the search function, you meat!" and if I grab an old thread like this then I'm a grave robber.

Anyway, is there anything out there that goes midi-->audio (multisamples) for free or less than say Kontakt etc?
Kontakt and Battery are the only ones I'm aware of. To save some cash you could probably find a deal on a used copy on eBay.


