E-Drums on Empiricism?

Exactly, what means v-drum?
Electric drum? Programmed drums?
(I´m an idiot but I´m intrested.. ;) )
A recent Roland catalogue article featured an interview with Neil Peart's drum tech. Apparently, after trying out V-Drums, Neil switched the electric part of his kit completely over. So, Asgeir, you are in very good company.
I have a technical question relating to this topic for Asgeir; Is the reason that you are using V-drums to record kick to do with reducing spill into overheads and therefore be able to eliminate 'boomyness' and thus get a more 'focused' double kick sound and more 'headroom' overall frequency-wise? I saw Neil Kernon saying something to that effect about the recording of drums on "Anihillation of the Wicked".
I remember the very disoriented foot-shot on the mini-documentary video contained on Epic... fun stuff though. But that was for the recording of Epic, not Empiricism. Don't forget though... Empiricism is just Epic with more letters. "mirism" to be specific.